Whats a postal???


big ern

I was reading that thread about the "postal" deadline, and have never heard of it before. Can you tell me how a postal match works.

go to www.bench-talk.com click on the postal link and download the app at the end of the rules, fill it out enclose a check and mail it to me, I will then mail your targets for the season (25 IBS 100yd Score targets) you shoot them at a measured distance of 100yds by the deadline date return them to me postmarked no later than the date stamped on the target I will score them using a Reticle if need be and then post results on the bench-talk forum.
So its all on the honor system then.
Cuz i just go to my range and shoot then send em back.
And thats it??
Your Correct

That's all you need to do its very good practice for matches and we are a honorable bunch what good would it do to cheat? You wouldn't better yourself any. Thanks for the question.
I completely agree. And it sounds like a blast.
Just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing something.
P.S. Looks like some great prizes too.

thanks a lot, Ernie

What is nice about the postals is that you compete against others shooting relatively the same equipment as you. If you want to shoot with your deer hunting rig or your brand new Borden 30BRX you can. There are 4 different classes. (all explained on the postal section of Bench-Talk) Everybody is welcome. One word of caution, it is kind-of addictive. Hope you try it.

i am thinking of doing that. I have a custom class i can use. it sounds like a lot of fun. and i could stand to win one of those prize too. naw, not that lucky.

P.S. I think i am already addicted and ive never even shot a match yet.
I'll bet this addiction is going to be worse($$$) than gambling and drugs.
But a whole lot more fun.
When Francis and Steve got me into this sport 3 years ago - I thought I was a pretty good shot. Why? Cause I could hit coyotes/foxes 200 yds away. Oh baby - did I have a reality check. But, that is what makes it fun/challenging. You can spend as much money as you want - nobody here will(should) judge.
