What is the coldest temperature anyone can remember shooting a BR match in?

Joe Krupa

I saw that there was a BR score match at WWCCA last weekend. It was unregistered (and not sure if two guys shooting constitutes a "match"), but supposedly it was -16 at the start.

This morning it was -14 when I drove into work. Saw it was -24 at Cadillac, MI (temp, not windchill).

Once I shot a score match at WWCCA when it was near zero. I remember getting in my truck and it showed -2. On the way to the range, it went to zero and I remember saying to myself "great, it's starting to warm up".

Anyway, what is coldest anyone can remember trying to shoot a match in? At WWCCA, we stand inside the clubhouse and when Tim says "commence fire", we run out and shoot five or so shots and run back inside (at least that's what I do). Some guys even load at the range when we hold these Winter matches! (I pre-load and hope the tune is somewhere close.)

Also, I shoot exclusively 133 in these moronic cold shoots, and find that I don't even need to clean the gun between targets. 50 shots and when I get home and clean the gun there is virtually no fouling.

I've shot at St. Louis when the heat index was 105 in the loading barn. And shot at WWCCA when it was zero. That's 105 degrees of "separation".

Any way, what's the record anyone can remember?
what was the coldest temperature anyone can remember shooting a BR match in

Practice match,s below zero a few times at Camillus below Zero
Both Winter leagues at south creek
Whatever the coldest it has been at WWCCA from 2002 through the winter of 2007 I was shooting with you there. Brrr many times.

Dan H
About 15 years ago, we had the first 200-300 nationals at the American Shooting Center in Houston. It was February. A cold front came in, it never got above freezing the entire weekend.

That was the match where we shot 300 yards on Saturday, 25 degrees and about a 25 mph wind. It took is all morning just to get everyone on paper. Miserable.

Butch Lambert remembers it. I'm not sure Butch ever really "got on paper", lol.
I can remember going to Listowel sometime in the early 90's, which is about an hour North and the new car I was driving froze up about three times. I would pull over to the side of the road for 10 or 15 mins, and away I would go. How cold was it? "DAM COLD"
Not that it has much to do with Bill's question, but thought I'd pass on something that happened to a good friend of mine at Holton last year. He was shooting a 15 twist barrel in UL class. The temperature was quite a bit cooler than what it was in the Kansas City area where he had been shooting his rail gun. When he started shooting on the sighter target, something had happened as he couldn't get two shots in the same zip code much less touching. His rifle was spraying shots everywhere. He didn't shoot the UL class. It turned out that the problem was that the 15 twist barrel wouldn't stabilize the bullet because of it being about 35 or 40 degrees. When he got home, the rifle went back to shooting a dot. A good reason to stay away from a 15 twist barrel. Most of his shooting with the barrel had been at 90 to 100 degrees plus. So, was quite a temperature swing for a barrel that evidently was barely stabilizing the bullet.

Although, it's nothing as cold as what you guys up north shoot in. I was shooting at a match at Luther OK in March or April where everyone would shoot, then quickly load and go jump in their pickups and warm up with the heater. Good thing Rex runs a quick match. I'm not sure how cold it was, but I'm pretty sure that the chill factor was pretty good as it very seldom doesn't blow at Luther especially early in the year. I figure Bill would have been running around in a short sleeve shirt with weather like that, but for us Southerners it was pretty cold.
St Louis in February can be pretty miserable. This year " next weekend" is looking to be bone crunching cold. the club house is nice and warm though, so it wont be all that bad. 7 min a pop. Less if you shoot fast!!! LOL!!!
Joe, for me it was WWCCA also, but it was not as cold as last weekend. I was shaking so bad I had no idea how much powder was in the case by the time i got the bullet seated. I had to stop checking to see if there was any powder in it because my nose was dripping so bad I would get my powder wet. It would have been a great day to have come preloaded as it definitely would have improved my score.
My first match IBS Score Win:

in 1999 was around 25* and a wet snow storm in April. Shot my first Turkey the next morning on crusty snow.

St Louis in February can be pretty miserable. This year " next weekend" is looking to be bone crunching cold. the club house is nice and warm though, so it wont be all that bad. 7 min a pop. Less if you shoot fast!!! LOL!!!

Ya, what Skeet said..................)chill()chill()chill()chill( I had a warmup match at home this afternoon....outside around 30 degrees.............inside 65................:cool:

I know that Tony went to a World match, flew over and the gun came apart. Also was at a place, very recently, that included a lot of benchrest shooters and the talk going around was, if there is a chill in the air, they ain't going, end of story. And this was a bunch of Canadians. Maybe we are not so rugged after all! I do rememder now, that at one time Ed Budde and I where at Holton, and we had left everything out in a covered tent, and the next morning the dies were sticking to my fingers.
The snow drift on the 2 track was 12-18".
Wayne was shutting off the furnace in the range house. He said, it never got above than 55*.
We had Wayne, our target crew, hang 2 targets after the first target. Like Joe indicated shoot 5 rounds and get back inside.
My left foot never did warm up. And Yes, we were properly clothed for about -30*.
The last couple shots we had a hard time opening the bolts. Dom had to use 2 hands....
Still fun.....I guess.

With that cold of temperatures, at what point would you start to be concerned about the stocks glued in action?

I used to practice in a snowsuit. I had to scrape the snow off the bench. That was at the Boulder Rifle Club. There in the people's rupulic is a little know range in the middle of town in a land fill. Ha Those were really fun days.