What do you guys/girls think about energy drinks?



I started drinking like Redbull and coffee but not too much. I like it sometimes because it gives me a good spark to practice and sometimes make me focus more in times of stress or when I'm really tired. I feel like I should cut down and start getting use of practicing without those drinks. I heard they are bad for you but I don't drink coke just water and juice. Energy drinks are the only bad thing I drink. But I also drink water while I'm drinking a Redbull.

I was wondering what is yall take in this. I don't want bad affects later. Like you can't start off your day or practice without drinking one. I don't want to get like that.
One coffee in the morning. Tea the rest of the day.
Enjoy the speed you are running at and let the young speed ahead until they wear out and you walk on past them later.
The rabbit was on Red Bull and look what the tortoise did to him.
these drinks are nothing but sugar and caffeine delivery systems, addicting, potentially harmful.
I have always been a big coffee drinker, coffee = caffeine, caffeine = shaky hands. That is the way I was taught. I know most of the shooters I shoot with avoid caffeine like the plague on match day. YMMV of course.

I'm addicted.

I drink a couple of big cups of coffee every morning, even on match days. It helps me be alert on the drive to the range, which can be over 90 minutes for me, and it gives me energy to get set up. I'm not as young as I used to be. I think by the time the first round goes down the pipe, I'm pretty well calmed down. I have given up caffeine before but always went back because it helps me be more alert. I'm a computer programmer and it improves my thinking.

That being said, I think you can easily get too much of a good thing. I have known a couple of people that sucked down Monster and Red Bull energy drinks all day long. They were absolute squirrels! Both also lost their jobs.

I think that physical conditioning is the best thing you can do to improve your shooting besides practice.
Save your mind and body

Read the book The Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter. Stop yo-yoing your endocrine system. Dr Don Carter
I've tried different ones that the kids have bought,can't say any of them tasted worth a darn...