What A Finish For NASCAR

jackie schmidt

New member
One of the best races I have ever seen, won by one of the best drivers, Tony Stewart, in History, proven by the way he drove that car today. If you like racing, it does not get any better........jackie
I agree, one of the best races I've watched in quite awhile. Don't get no better than that!
One of the best races I have ever seen, won by one of the best drivers, Tony Stewart, in History, proven by the way he drove that car today. If you like racing, it does not get any better........jackie

Wow! 6 NASCAR Championships in a row for Rick Hendrick!!! =)
The whole "countdown" type of championship system [ Nascar and NHRA ] rubs me the wrong way from the perspective of an ex-racer but as a fan I have to admit that it does bring a lot of drama and interest to the points championship.

NHRA had some amazing performances this year !!
What stands out to me is the fact that most if not all of the cars are about equal in speed, and from what I can see, the rest is about knowing what you can do with that spped. Anytime a guy starts where Stuart did, had a bad pit, and passes as many as he did, well...... that speaks for itself.
I've always enjoyed No. 14 and the way he drives, but never really understood how much relys on other factors, such as saving on gas when it's critical. I agree. We may never see the equal of that race again. The speeds were impressive as well for a 1 1/2 mi oval.
I still can't figure out the points system and how Tony won. Tony started the race three points behind. There is no extra points for winning, they both led a lap which cancels that, and Edwards led the most laps for 5 extra pts. Any way I cut it, I don't see how Tony won. Don't get me wrong, I think he actually had the better Chase and he is from Indiana and he definetly deserved that win.

Can someone fill me in on what I am missing.

Jackie, i agree.

The whole contest between Edwards and Stewart over the chase was not only edge of the seat racing, it was conducted cleanly, with mutual reapect, and with a lot of class on track.

Edwards conduct after the race was superb. He had given it absolutely all he had, tried everything he knew, he left nothing on the table, neither did his crew, he had a good car that got everything out of, and as awesome as that was, it wasn't good enough to beat Stewart that day on that track. I thought Edwards conducted himself very well, walked out to tony's car on track to congratulate him, gave an interview that let you know he gave it all in a calm voice of near ultimate dissapointment. Lot of real life drama in that moment.

Stewart's race was the sort of thing you see in movie scripts brought to real life on the track. I mean the guy couldn't buy a break early in the race. Starts the race 3 points down. Hole in grill, fixed with out going down a lap but restarting in 40th place. Working back up only to be bumped to the back of the field again, passing something like 70 cars on track over the course of the race, encouraging his crew over the radio when a pitstop set him back again, and in the end, giving the whole field driving lessons on each restart. He starts 9th in the last restart, is in third in a couple of laps, passes Edwards for the lead a few laps later, and wins, but in between was something like 40 laps of ragged edge driving by both drivers with just enough gas to finish, lapped car traffic and all, and they both pulled it off mistake free finishing with Stewart just over a second in the lead. Stewart had to win the race to win the championship, and he did it. It was an amazing performance by both drivers.

Stewart also conducted himself with class after the race. I don't think he had enough gas left for a burnout.

All in all, I was impressed.

The thing that impressed me was the way Tony Stewart drove that car, my goodess, diving to the inside apron, coming all the way up to the wall to solidify the pass.
I actually thought that Ford would give orders to some rolling wreck like Trevor Bane to just spin out with about 5 laps to go, just to tighten up the field and give Edwards a chance to catch Stewart. Maybe even a green-white-checkard. But the way Stewart was handling the restarts, it would not have worked.

I solidified my hatred for the "blue oval" when they ordered Bane to bail out on Jeff Gorden at Tallidaga. The agreement was between the drivers and crew chiefs. Ford should have stayed out of it. Bane just showed himself to be a punk.

Daytona is only 95 days away.........jackie
Hahaha.... I thought I was the only person that felt that way about ford. I don't care for roush either after an incident at Road Atlanta in the Trans Am series when a roush driver that was about to be lapped got a radio message to "hold up the leader". The driver punted the Corvette right out of the race and the Corvette was owned and driven by a privateer who would have gotten their only win of their TA career.

Shame on you. It is poor form to post such drivel...Tony is great, blah, blah blah...on a "benchrest" website. Especially with you being a moderator.

A thread about Tony Stewart winning The Chase has no business on this website. Who cares.

However, if Jeff Gordon wins next year, I am proposing a dedicated "Jeff Gordon is the Sprint Cup Champion" FORUM! Preferably at the very top of the page. Maybe the homepage should be a picture of the #24. Hmmmm....heyyyyyy Wiburrrrrrrr!

The War Department is a Stewart fan. It's been a long couple of days for ol' Justin round here...

With tongue firmly planted in cheek,

PS: I hate Ford...I wish Kyle Busch drove a Ford. Give me one more reason...

PS to the PS: CRB: Easy on Roush. He does own two P-51 Mustangs. He can't be all that bad....
The whole chase crap is a joke in nascar and nhra, it lets someone who could not find their a** with both hands for most of the year get hot or lucky at the right time win the championship! The championship should be the one who performed all year long not someone who got lucky at the right time. Stewart said at the start of the chase they did not deserve to be in it the way they had run all year, the fact that he got hot in the chase does not change that, he should not be the champion.
Two years ago Stewart made a racing visit to our little 1/4-mile short-track (Thunder Road, Barre, VT). A couple of NASCAR guys come every year while they're in the area for the NH race. In his early days, I liked Tony's driving and I like a driver who can drive open-wheel as well as stock cars, in the mold of AJ, Mario and the Allisons. When he came to VT, just a dinky little track owned by Ken Squier, he sat in a van outside the pit gates until they cordoned off the area where his car would be and his guys went through the pits and took all the water bottles not of the brand that sponsors him and replaced them with his brand. He did every crude and rude thing he could to avoid the fans and appeared to have no personality at all.

A few weeks later, Richard Petty came to the track, drove into the pits with Dale Inman, got out of the car and said "Hey, how you guys doin'?" and spent the next four hours mixing and mingling with fans and racers. When they announced they were cutting the autograph session off in 10 minutes, Richard said "No way! I came here because these people are what racing's all about and I'll stay 'til they all get an autograph. What a striking comparison.

Even Kyle Busch, who I had heard nothing but bad about, when he came into the pits was just one of the guys. He crawled under and worked on his own car, joked with the fans and crews, and was fun to be around.

The championship is good for Tony and his crew and it will give them and Hendrick some impetus next season to get NASCAR's newest advertising darling some exposure. If you want to watch some "seat-of-the-pants" racing, tune into the Aussie V8s. But do it soon, 'cause they're trying to "NASCAR-ize" them, too.
And I thought I was the only one who thought as you do.
If it isn't gun related, it doesn't belong here.
In fact, I wonder what our attendance for matches would be if Trascar didn't exist.

Oh, I don't care for the misbehavior of mascots at football games either.


My post was not serious and was intended to be humorous...just bustin' Jackie's horns as I am not a Tony Stewart fan. I have no problem at all with his posting that on this website. Maybe I shoulda' put one of those smiley faces things in there somewheres...

The behavior of the mascots pales in comparison with the behavior of the players. If only they could all act like Walter Payton...

Stewart always came across as arrogant to me on TV, A number of celebrities forget who pays there check, the fans that attend the events. They don't have to worry about spending any of my money, I haven't attended a nascar race since they instituted the chase since that has made the sport irrelevant, If they want 10 races to decide the championship, run 10 races and call it a season.
Plus, in the last four NFL games I've watched guys making a combined total of about $500 MILLION A YEAR drop 14 passes. Whad'ya haf ta pay deez bums ta catch da ball???
Gee Jackie! We better quit letting people know that something else occupies some of our time beside shooting. I like NASCAR and I like Smoke, but it doesn't interfere with my shooting.