Went target shooting today and guess what?

Did you see the mother?

You may have done in that fawn. Mother deer often abandon their fawns if they have been touched by humans and have human scent on them.

Did you by any chance see the fawn and mom after your encounter?

Fawn deer are beautiful creatures. The deer population here in the south has exploded. In the areas where the populations have no fear of humans it has become common that they will walk up to people out of curosity.

Deer have become a problem here due to their frequent encounters with automobiles. They say one in twenty-four wrecks in NC are associated with a deer.

Nat Lambeth
You may have done in that fawn. Mother deer often abandon their fawns if they have been touched by humans and have human scent on them.

That's a fact. Fawns are so cute people want to pet them but it's a mistake. They also think if the doe isn't around the fawn is abandoned, but white-tail does leave their fawns alone for several hours at a time every day.
"They say one in twenty-four wrecks in NC are associated with a deer."

It's probably because they can't grip the steering wheel very well with hooves.
Fawns and other wild babies

That's a fact. Fawns are so cute people want to pet them but it's a mistake. They also think if the doe isn't around the fawn is abandoned, but white-tail does leave their fawns alone for several hours at a time every day.

It's very tempting to get close to baby wild animals but it's best to view them from a distance. Human scent in the area spells 'DANGER' to the mother and may keep her away. Vixens have been known to re-locate their entire den of fox kits if they sense danger or pick up on a predator's scent near the den. Mother rabbits have their young concealed in a small hole or depression covered with rabbit fur and visit at night to feed their young. Fawns can be left for hours by their mother in a concealed position until called by the mother. It may appear the young have been abandoned but that is usually not the case.

Lou Baccino
Kinda' sad really :( my kids know better.

Gotta' "pet" a wild critter...... when are human's going to realize that petting fulfills THEIR need, not the animal's. A special moment tainted by the need to touch what's beautiful.

Save your petting for your cats.


BTW, believe it or not, mama deer is the single most dangerous animal on the North American continent. Deer have attacked and killed more people than all other wild animals combined.

Kinda' sad really :( my kids know better.

Gotta' "pet" a wild critter...... when are human's going to realize that petting fulfills THEIR need, not the animal's. A special moment tainted by the need to touch what's beautiful.

Save your petting for your cats.


BTW, believe it or not, mama deer is the single most dangerous animal on the North American continent. Deer have attacked and killed more people than all other wild animals combined.

Normally you seem to have your facts in order, but this time you are making me wonder. I think if I had to chose between being attacked by a deer and a polar/grizzly bear, I would take my chances with the deer. Are you sure that you have your facts straight on this one?
I think if I had to chose between being attacked by a deer and a polar/grizzly bear, I would take my chances with the deer. Are you sure that you have your facts straight on this one?

How many polar bears live near you? He's saying more people are attacked by deer. That's likely because deer are found in a lot more places living along side a lot more people than bears, lions and wolves.
In reply to the people about the doe abandoning the fawns. I talked to the farmers wife this morning and she told me that "a" doe has been going to the same area in the field where the fawns were found on Sunday. In fact she said that she was watching her while I was talking to her on the phone.

This also makes me feel a lot better also. :):):):)

Thanks for the good news about the fawns and their mother. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the fawns. Thanks again, Charlie Hanawalt Colorado
Something that my buddy said to me is that those fawns were within 10 to 15 yards of my trailer which has plenty of human sent around it. She must have felt it was safe for her to keep her young there even with the human sent. :)

In populated areas, deer have become used to human scent. We live 30 blocks from the center of Indianapolis and two years ago a doe and her two fawns visited our apple tree regularly as long as the apples lasted. The apple tree is about 20 yards from our house.
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Biologists often use Vicks vapor-rub (yeah, you old timers remember THAT stuff) to mask human scent. When conducting research on denning mothers and cubs, biologists will smear the stuff on mom's nose to avoid rejection.
Biologists often use Vicks vapor-rub (yeah, you old timers remember THAT stuff) to mask human scent. When conducting research on denning mothers and cubs, biologists will smear the stuff on mom's nose to avoid rejection.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to put salt on the does tail so I can catch her and put the Vicks on her nose. ;);)
