

...Larry Costa won the LV Grand and Smiley won the HV Grand.
The 2-Gun Top 5 was:
1 - Larry Costa
2 - Pat Hurley
3 - Smiley Hensley
4 - Hal Drake
5 - Dale Boop
Memorial Results

HV 100
1st Smiley Hensley 2236
2nd Jeff Stover 2380
3rd Larry Costa 2436
4th Russ Boop 2550
HV 200
1st Dale Boop 2851
2nd Milt Craven 3431
3rd Smiley 3450
4th Pat Hurley 3572

HV Grand
Smiley 2843
Dale 2979
Milt 3192
H. Drake 3224
Pat 3375

Small Group HV
100/.132 Randy Watson
200/.263 Smiley Hensley

LV 100
1st Sid Goodling 1880 (Only teen agg)
2nd Larry Costa 2106
3rd Hal Drake 2380

LV 200
1st Larry Costa 3279
2nd Pat Hurley 3823
3rd Don Beaver 4203

LV Grand
1st Larry Costa 2692
2nd Pat Hurley 3255
3rd Andy Shifflet 3542

LV Small Groups
100/.105 Dave APPLE
200/.406 Husky Hummel (also had the largest group)

Costa 3151 (all the way from Florida)
Hurley 3315 (back in the groove)
Smiley 3368 (shooting VT)
Hal 3391 (30 cal)
DBoop 3427 (got lucky one agg)
Andy 3535 (always a threat)
Milt 3669 (consistant)
JBoop 3841 (should be shooting more)
Sid 3854 ( just sneaky)
Joel 4162 (pool shark)

It started out breezy, then got windy, and by the end was pretty brutal as the aggs show. Thanks all for coming and thank you sponsors. Mark and the Crew did a great job as always. Target crew was missing Steve Dodge but Lurch stepped up and Dieter pitched in and handled the wind well. Mom, Joe, George and Roxy all great job. See ya at the Nationals
PS got address wrong for IBS Nat'l registration
Send to
Dale Boop
645 Old Rte 15
New Columbia, PA 17856
I'm planning on making some of Super Shoot and pick up registrations.

Once again the crew at weikert ran a flawless match. Always alot fo fun.
congrats to Larry and the rest who shot well and dont forget this i where the IBS Natl's will be in Aug.
