G Vanlier
Just a headsup for anyone that owns one of these scopes, in Dec I sent my XR back to Weaver because it looked like it had fluid trapped between the lenses and I looked through 3 others at a match in Nov., all had this issue. A couple of days ago I hadn't heard from Weaver and figured it was time to call for a status update. I was surprised that Weaver wanted to keep my scope and offered me $825.00 to buy it back, because they are having problems with them, and are working on a new design, but do not have a date when they will be available! I was getting ready to accept the money, when I asked if they would be willing to send my scope back to me, until the new ones are available and they agreed to do that. So if you have one and it needs service for the spots in the lense and its still works hold off sending it in.