We have lost the nation!!

Well, if president means anything, we had a good one set for such activities back in the 1860's.

We had a President at that time who had the courage to do what it took to preserve the Union. I can only hope we will have one when such malcontents decide to try it again.

We do, only the methods used now are a little different and make more sense in the digital world.

In the 1860's during the Civil War Lincoln suspended what many would argue is the most sacred law of all … habeas corpus. A court order that commands an individual or a government official who has restrained another to produce the prisoner at a designated time and place so that the court can determine the legality of custody and decide whether to order the prisoner's release.

In the 1940's during World War II, the FBI opened any piece of mail they wanted. They listened in on phone calls, intercepted cable traffic and they did it all without a single warrant.

And anyone who is naïve enough to think we treated every POW to the exact standards of the Geneva Conventions has never spoken to a Marine who served in the Pacific. Not every Japanese POW was treated as well as we’d like to believe.

FDR, a man who is considered by many to be one of our greatest presidents, interned thousands of Japanese Americans as well as German and Italian Americans. We simply rounded these people up based solely on their ethnicity and stuck them in prisoner of war camps until the war was over.

Perhaps all secret screening programs should be curtailed to pacify a few, and then as a replacement, place thousands of Middle Eastern decent in prisoner of war camps until the war on terror is over. We've moved beyond these methods and into the 21st century. :)