We have lost the nation!!


Senile Member
We have not lost the land, yet, and we have not lost our guns, yet, but we have lost the government. On the morning "talking head" news programs even the ones in power behind the policy makers are fighting among themselves. When the Richard Haas's of the CFR and the Eric Cantors of the TLC, are fighting among themselves of who to blame and who to prosecute or worse who to execute, this is going to make for an interesting conversation.

Our old 24/7 news stations have turned into whose girls can show the most skin, like FOX and CNN, and turned into National Geographic travelogues, CNN, and round-table screaming, FOX-The Five), folks, the news and information media, such as they were, are gone.

It is time for everyone to write their US Representatives and US Senators to find out where they stand, (or hide behind). I did just that early last week to Corker, Alexander and Roe, and .....silence!!
Jerry............................................. ...............

It's sad to see our nation go down the tube, however we have no one to blame but ourselves! I had the republican party call last week wanting more money, I said they weren't getting another dime until they grew some and starting standing-up against these communists. all my doations will be going to the Tea Party. I see all these retired folks that call theirselves patriots and they are supporting the AARP, which is sending their money to the democrats who are destroying us!! Heck if they don't do something soon honest Americans will have to start exterminating these rabid dog muslims just to keep our families from being wiped-out by these murderers, and yet the government is doing all they can to give them whatever they want. If you look back to the Christian Crusades they suffered the same problem until they started exterminating them by the thousands to save their countries. I might be considered a radical and Obama may be watching me, but as a old Marine I'd rather die fighting for my country than hide in a hole like a rat until they kill my family and country.
So agree.
When the voters can demonize the conservative hard workers , and vote themselves more and more benefits from politicians who care not for the country, but only for their own power generated through reelections..we are finished.
If that's true, then the end started somewhere around 1960.

Lyndon Johnson's "great society". When you tell a big chunk of the population that they do not have to be responsible for anything and the Government will take care of you, what we have is what you get.
If that's true, then the end started somewhere around 1960.

Nope, it started in the timeframe between 1890 and 1915.

CR I, the first Cultural Revolution which gave us the heavy dope crowd, Kent State, prayer out of the schools, the 10 Commandments off the courthouse walls. etc., was of the 1960's era.

CR II is now underway. So far it is giving us the "coming out heros, the "war" on terror, the gathering of "damaging" data, GGA (gun grabbing again). FOX's Family Guy type programming, and such. (I call your attention to the line from Family Guy three weeks ago when he said to his male lover "I love to smell me on your breath" ). BTW, I saw that on "air" TV when I was surfing the digital thingy in my camper. Knowingly I would never have even looked at that station....fifty five years ago we would have burned down the TV station..fifty five years ago the FCC would have brought the gasoline and the matches
Lyndon Johnson's "great society". When you tell a big chunk of the population that they do not have to be responsible for anything and the Government will take care of you, what we have is what you get.

Among other things, this is exactly what has happened to this nation. As a Republican you can't out-do that at the polls by offering to give away more and buy votes, because then you are simply transforming yourself into a Democrat. The Republicans will never be able to overcome this in National Elections from here on in unless there is a major political event or scandal that will bring down a presiding Democrat Administration......and 4 years of the current economic crisis we just went through was still not enough to elect a Republican President!! Romney was not my choice, but he was a good person and a fine candidate. And he still lost badly. Even with a rare Republican Election win, it will always be 1 step forward, and 2 steps backwards for us into further erossion. For those of you optomists who like to see rainbows......all I've seen is a steady decline of red states turning blue!!!!!!!!!!

Frankly, I've been waiting for a successionist party to arise, and I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. Lord no!!.....I'm not looking for another civil war to happan, as much as I'm more more looking forward to a movement of a few million citizens to rise-up and loudly say "Enough!!....no more talk, and no more debate! We are declaring a divorce and a new independent commonwealth. This state will become our new home among like minded conservative thinkers and Constitutionalists. If you wish to try and stop us and continue to subject us to your illegal laws and taxation (ie;Obama care, Planned Paranthood subsidies, etc) then it will take an army to arrest us, and an intern camp to contain us". Personally, I see little or no bloodshed involved in such a sucessionist movement, as in my view most Democrats and Liberals simply don't have the stomach for it.
Well, if president means anything, we had a good one set for such activities back in the 1860's.

We had a President at that time who had the courage to do what it took to preserve the Union. I can only hope we will have one when such malcontents decide to try it again.
Currently and for sometime there is really no difference in either political party, other than the name.
The shenanigans are the same dressed in blue or red.
Currently and for sometime there is really no difference in either political party, other than the name.
The shenanigans are the same dressed in blue or red.

I've made that point for some time. Actually, since the so called Neo-Coms came into the GOP from the Democrat party (Neo-Coms is not a misspelling).

The following is an excerpt from Patrick J. Buchanan's current article on his web site and published in many US newspapers including my local Times-News.

""Lately, the U.S. and Israel planted a Stuxnet worm that crippled scores of centrifuges and disabled Iran’s nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz. If we can do this in Iran, can we not do the same to nuclear plants all over the world, creating two, three, a hundred Chernobyls and Fukushimas?

Is it too much to imagine that, one day, if not already, the United States will be able to cyber-sabotage the power plants, electrical grids and communications systems of any country on earth?""

Is this what we have become and is this where we are going? Would not this have the capability to create a nuclear disaster to end civilization if the wrong person got to the red button??

This is certainly not what I voted for nor what I put on a uniform for and swore to Support and Defend!!
something to think about/ Obama has access to the Red Button. He also has declaired thats is OK to use drones to kill Americans.
Whats next?
Worry less about one man like Obama and the threat of red-buttons out there, and more about the immediate terminal condition of this country and the multiple generations of retards that keep electing and enabling such politicians and their policies. Obama is nothing more then the result of just what your fellow citizens endorsed on election day.

The culture of moral decay, and the unwillingness to apply common sense to today issues for the fear of being politically incorrect, is further being propogated by politicians who buy votes from half of an America that doesn't work/and or pay taxes. To top it off, this cancer thrives and grows with the support of the media.

Game over! But just when the lights will go out, I can't predict.
. To top it off, this cancer thrives and grows with the support of the media.

Game over! But just when the lights will go out, I can't predict.

Read this 2009 Washington Post column by Fox News star contributor Bill Kristol. Then read the comments that followed. The NeoComs like Kristol are what is wrong with the nation and the GOP and why our major problems will not get fixed until 1) The GOP purges itself of such enlightenment as this, or, 2) There comes a winnable third party, or, 3) As VainB predicts "Lights out"

Of course Mr Kristol is just following the footsteps of his "non-observant" father Irving and his mentor Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov of Divide and Conquer fame.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Kristol (You do know what "non-observant" means don't you??)

A two party system is simply the way it is, like it or not. You either vote Replublican or Democrat. If you personally vote Democrat, there is nothing worth discussing or debating with you, as you and I would have such a diverse and opposite core of beliefs. I no longer have the patience to try and reason with the followers of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and Sheila Jackson Lee's Democrat Party or other such kinds of people who I know are at the crux of the problem. While some folks enjoy debating or discussing opposing views, I don't. Thankfully, most of the folks on the majority of gun forums think much alike on many political fronts, and I need not worry about running into too many opposing views and the insults that often ensue.

No, I'll give you that the Republicans are no damn good, including Billy Kristol or whomever you choose to single out, as they are very much appeasers with little backbone, BUT, (and a big BUT) they are largely NOT the party promoting and allowing so many things that have destroyed the moral thread of a truly once great nation. Yes, I concede that it's still a great nation, but it's just a shadow of what it once was. I don't know how people can vote for the party of abortion, gun bans, entitlements, redistribution, open borders, gay marriage, and the general lowering of morality and standards accross the board so that achievers are frowned upon as God, George Washington, Christopher Colombus and "Merry Christmas" are all tossed out of our schools. But let's bring in some more 3rd world people. That we need! We haven't enough future Obama voters of every color (including white), nor enough of our own home grown ignoramuses with their pants falling off their as* ....not to mention the fastest growing prison population in Western Culture. What a truly stupid nation I live in.

A two party system is simply the way it is, like it or not. You either vote Replublican or Democrat. If you personally vote Democrat, there is nothing worth discussing or debating with you, as you and I would have such a diverse and opposite core of beliefs. ................ ....What a truly stupid nation I live in.

At one time the GOP and the Dems had different core beliefs. Now, its big government and war for both. Why? When the NeoComs came over to the GOP and took over the back-room control its now a pickum.

As to my voting I have voted for an independent for the last several Presidential elections. As to this country staying a two party system don't count on it. The TEA folks, many will step out for a reasonable candidate. Two-party systems are fatal anyway. A country needs several factions to the point that coalitions must be formed to govern. What we have now is a coalition between the GOP and Dems to NOT govern, but control....the NSA for example.

As to a stupid electorate, yes, and it is by design....called the Dumbing Down of America!!! When civic minded people have to go off shore to get accurate world news, that is very bad!!
WOW! People are really starting to wake up, Imagine that. But is it too late? This non leader needs to be impeached!

Joe Salt
Dumbing down AKA brain washing via the education system and , control of the press.
Disinformation preached at every level of government. Its been going on for a long long tiime, the cold war type of tactics used to control people.
It all about Control as you have said Jerry.
Its also all about $$$$$ and where politicians have their money invested,. tht he basis for our foreign policy.
Lost Nation

A bit interesting.

My dad was born in 1898 and I bet his dad said the country was going to a hot place in a hand basket(why a hand basket?).

My grandfather was born in about 1869, and I bet his dad told him the same thing, what with the aftermath of the Civil War.

I was born in 1946 and my dad told me things were bad and going to get worse. He couldn't see how the country could hold together much longer.

My son was born in 1989. Sure I tell him things are not as good as they could be, times are changing, society is changing, people are changing, etc. and not necessarily for the good.

I also tell him the good old USA is still the best country in the world. Sure we have our quota of weird types, crooked politicians, lazy people and general no-goods. Just read the news from anywhere else in the world. At least we vote to change gov't, we don't stage bloody coups. We don't conduct genocide, though some types advocate such things. We don't have an official ruling class, though some old families tend to think they are. Generally we at least attempt to help those less fortunate than us and anytime there is a disaster anywhere in the world we are there to help. Maybe we mess things up a bit, but we at least try.

Take you pick - where else in the world would you want to live?

Keep your powder dry and well hidden.

Yes it is, at least on its present course..

Jim, you present very valid points. I have always thought that as we got older and became
more aware of our surroundings we grew more fatalistic. Further to your
point, in 1931 the philosopher Will Rodgers made a similar statement.
According to Mr. Rogers, the nation was traveling to that hotter than hot
place and was nearly there. In Mr. Rodgers explanation the nation was
traveling in a hand basket, however that works.

But, the reality is that as We the People strive for more security we allow
our lawmakers to pass legislation that always, always, place further
restrictions on our freedom and liberties.

An example, from a shooters standpoint, is the passage of the 1930's firearm
restriction legislation that bans us from owning fully automatic guns and
sawed off barrel shotguns. From a purely libertarian view the law should
hold a person responsible for their own personal actions not portend
restrictions on the implements we care to own and use. Same thing on a very
restrictive law passed in 1968 that we know as the Gun Control Act of 1968

This brings us to present day and to a point where all our communication,
telephone, internet, smoke signal,and such, are put in a big Trillion dollar
memory stick in Utah which already contains enough data to put us all on
“someone's” list of undesirables.

Points here 1) Why should I trust a government who must spy on every thing
I say or write, and, to the gun control part 2) Why should I trust a
government that does not trust me to own guns. Its not difficule to see where we are getting
separated from the original freedoms and liberties of the original US

Your great grandfather, your father and you are exactly correct, this nation
is traveling to the hotter part of the hereafter. My reasoning for starting
this thread was to help make shooters and gun owners aware of the progress
of this journey. As to those, like my daughters neighbor, who, says they
would never allow guns in their house. To those folks I say, “great plan”,
I'll be sure to not come over and bring mine if you need help fending off some
unwanted intruder!!!