We all shoot but do we all hunt?

Who hunt & who just shoots

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Lake Three is the best place in the world, you betcha. Ely is a special town, definitely Minnesotan but kinda touristy. You owe it to yourself to check out the North Shore as well.

The deeper in you go, the better it gets. This particular lake is Rock of Ages lake, which is pretty remote.


I've hunted along logging trails when it's like this too.


It's a special place. I'm glad I'm physically capable of getting as far in the woods as I like to.
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my love of shooting was born from hunting!as i ready these these responses it made me think of times when i had a quicker step and my eyes were much better. my father with that old ithaca 20 ga and a couple of brittany spaniels on that so.canadian river bottom, quail on the rise.my dad has been gone 14 yrs now that ole twenty still sits in my safe blueing gone, scratched, just another old relic of times gone by. man, what memories! now i have varmit rifles, big game rifles, and reloading stuff out the wazoo and enjoy them all i dont miss a gun show what a way of life! but..... it all comes back to that man who was my father and that ole 20 ga.

take your kid,grandson or granddaughter hunting or shooting go make those memories!!!!!!!


The BWCA isn't exactly "remote back country" but it's definitely otherworldly cool.

Have you been there?? Away from the major canoe routes it is remote back country as much as 95% of the other wilderness areas in the USA.
Forgot to say I'm an avid hunter, but the real enjoyment is the experience and out of doors. I love being with friends and family around the campfire. Love the same old BS stories and the camaraderie.


spent the last 6 days chasing elk in the steep, deep and rain of the PNW. Passed over a few legals looking for the "big one", but the season is almost over and the gang is showing up tomorrow and its time to start hunting for the freezer. Like said above, its about the hunting, not the killin.



Spent a day up behind your place.. Used to be a great spot. Nothing, very little sign at all. a lot of talk about about wolves from guys I respect.


Rifles been pretty poor for my buddies up there. These are guys who push the timber on foot all day. There packing up today and heading down to my place on the coast. Glad to hear someones doing something back there. There is hope, I was pretty discouraged.
Spent 4 days of Deer up chelatchy on cold creek towards cougar rock. Again, real poor. Cats? lion or bobcat? :)

yep,,,, shoulda drove around. But, been decent here for some but not my turn this year. 17 under the glass's yesterday, 53 this morning. Go figure, not a legal in the bunch. Packed out more than our share, so at least the older or out of work members freezers are good for the year. Now late buck is just around the corner :)

Got a decent 6 pt in behind my house on Sunday...first one in 5 yrs, and I had to get another geezer neighbor to help drag it out. There used to be great grouse hunting in the woods behind my house, but the coyotes have been multiplying like hamsters. Damn, I used to LOVE grouse hunting, they were so tricky, much more wary than pheasant.
Damn, I used to LOVE grouse hunting, they were so tricky, much more wary than pheasant.

That's why I like the late season birds. Super wily.

No deer this past weekend. Next year. Thankfully there's still plenty of hunting to do this year.
I only compete because I do not like to practice. Practice is necessary to maintain ones skill levels hunting. Killing animals beyond 1000 yards has become so boring that I have taken up bow hunting at long range. Took a shot at an elk at 83 yards and missed by three inches and the arrow struck shoulder bone and the elk shook it out and ambled off. With the rifle so far this year I have made kills at 441 yards, 556 yards, 638 yards and 953 yards. Hunting season is not yet over so I still have some shooting left to do. I will probably go to Quantico USMC base and compete in December just to keep in practice.




I only compete because I do not like to practice. Practice is necessary to maintain ones skill levels hunting. Killing animals beyond 1000 yards has become so boring that I have taken up bow hunting at long range. Took a shot at an elk at 83 yards and missed by three inches and the arrow struck shoulder bone and the elk shook it out and ambled off. With the rifle so far this year I have made kills at 441 yards, 556 yards, 638 yards and 953 yards. Hunting season is not yet over so I still have some shooting left to do. I will probably go to Quantico USMC base and compete in December just to keep in practice.

This is the kind of brag that the anti's like to use against hunting and guns in general.
A very young guy showed up in our front yard this morning.


Using a bow at 83yds? You can shoot as you choose, but I have a problem with those ranges shooting at animals.

Using a bow at 83yds? You can shoot as you choose, but I have a problem with those ranges shooting at animals.

+1 alot of lost animals in my country from shots at those ranges. Very few can make those shots and anchor the animal, even fewer carry the cartrige/rifle than can do the job, and even fewer can find the spot before dark. Iam not one of them. I know of only 2 that fill all three of those requirments, They would be very very reluctant to take those shots. Possibly prarie, sage or farm land for Deer, antalope being the exception for a once in the lifetime gazzillion point top ten trophy, maybe. But then I am just a mere mortal.
Well I'm off to deer camp until Dec. Wow I'm in a good mood right now. Don't care if I get one but I sure want to see them.
No i would not shoot an animal unless i needed it for food & i doubt i will see that need ever. If i had to though, sure. I just shot too much stuff as a kid and a long time in the military has changed my view. I love my rifles & the sport however a target on a range is an enjoyable day out for me.
I still buy tags and go hunting, have little intention of shooting anything. I just like to go out and wander around with a rifle in my hands for old times sake I guess.
Started handgun shooting and reloading in my early 20's, into my 30's with rifles and handguns now into the 50's still with both and archery.
Was introduced into hunting when I was 34 and haven't stopped.
I've also heard that all hunters fish.
but not all fishermen hunt....

Started handgun shooting and reloading in my early 20's, into my 30's with rifles and handguns now into the 50's still with both and archery.
Was introduced into hunting when I was 34 and haven't stopped.
I've also heard that all hunters fish.