way off subject, travel to mexico?

Back in the sixty's I spent a fair amount of time in Juarez. I wouldn't go there on a bet today. Back then only main street in Juarez was paved. I went there once in late 70's, more paving but no other changes. Even prices were the same in "dollars". Had a couple of adventures, but mostly if you paid attention, you were safe, even late at night. Once had a shop keeper chase me down main street with a bowie knife. He didn't like the way I haggled with his help over a leather jacket. I actually think his English was too poor to understand what I was saying as I haggled. Had a fellow GI who went with me down from Roswell for the weekend, drink too much, use his fair Spanish in such away as to start a barfight& got arrested. The MP's regularly trolled the jail's for GI's, but he was moved about twice a day which made him hard to find. This was on a weekend, he finally made it back to Roswell on Friday. He did not recommend the hospitality in Mexican jails. He said the worst part was the open air jail cells (this being winter).Bars only for the ceiling. He was scabbed up some as well. Another GI & I once took our cars down to Juarez for Roll & Pleating. A 55 & 57 chevy"s. The job took 2 days & we knew to watch every minute to avoid banana peeling being using for stuffing. Late the second afternoon we were sitting on stools watching, waiting, & nodding off. Something,( probably the tension in the air) woke both of us. This was also a body shop. Using lead, coat hangers & an torch to fill dents & holes. Anyhow a well dressed Mexican businessman had been promised his body work would be finished by early afternoon, it wasn't & he pulled out a chrome plated revolver and expressed his feelings. They got REAL BUSY. We were soon able to leave. I've often wondered how that deal worked out. Sorry to run on so, but it's a different world, even back then. No REAL LAW, then or now.
You asked about the safety in Tijuana. I hope this helps some. We are speaking about just January, 2009.

Frontera (Tijuana, Baja California) 2/3/09

Murders in Tijuana in January rose 130% over January 2008. The 69 violent deaths in 2009 included seven public servants, seven decapitations, four minors and six women. The total for January 2008 was 30.

....And that is just the ones that were reported and recorded.

Concho Bill
Believe that I will stay way north of the border, will stay in tennesee.
Need a Moderator

ForneyRider's pictures are way beyond acceptable for General Discussion. Please remove.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Leave on, if this is the way it is, I will not be going to mexico, at least we know how it is. I was in nicaragua recently for a while, wasnt afraid just watched what was around me, no problems. I would not go to mexico after seeing this
Need to know for safety's sake!

Stephen, I mean absolutely no disrespect, but I would recommend leaving those pics and link there. Sometimes words alone are simply inadequate to convey what needs to be understood.

The unspeakable hideousness of drugs and the carnage that surrounds them needs to be understood in order to convince people that there is more going on than they know. And something needs to be done about it.

What we see in those pictures, will be in America sooner than we realize.

Jackie is right, don't go, not in the next few months, I go to Mexico every few months but am not taking my kids this spring brake to see their retired grandparents, it's bad, especially between Brownsville and Laredo in the Mexico side.
It is a shame for a beautiful country so close to us to be so corrupt. in Mexico, I am told, the people have a saying which translated into English says, "The more things change the more they remain the same." The people have seen many bloody wars and revolutions and the government never improves things for the people.

No wonder the people come north to find a life for themselves and their families. I would too.

Concho Bill
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i lived in SD for 15 years and enjoyed an occasional run to TJ and down the coast a few miles for lobster and beer, Rosarita Beach. That was 20 years ago. I would take my vehicle and park on the main drag never had any trouble.

Are you missing something? NO. Why risk it even if someone can show you statistically you shouldn't have any problems.

That place is BIG TIME dangerous today and you leave your rights on the wrong side of the boarder. I'll spare you the details. DON'T GO

If you want a great time with some Spanish flavor do Old Town in SD. Fantastic food, shops, beautiful architecture. Visit Baloa Park, see the museums. Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla.

Great bargains in TJ? If you want to by trash at ridiculous prices.

TJ is a S__t Hole. Don't risk ruining your vacation. If you go to TJ do not leave the main drag. Be back across the boarder before dark. The food tastes like crap.

Now let me tell you how I really feel about the place.....Its the best place in world to have never seen.

Spend a day in SD and you'll relocate. I strongly recommend a restaurant on Shelter Island called Casa Mia. The finest Mexican food you'll ever have. Get the Carne Asada platter.
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It is a shame for a beautiful country so close to us to be so corrupt. in Mexico, I am told, the people have a saying which translated into English says, "The more things change the more they remain the same." The people have seen many bloody wars and revolutions and the government never improves things for the people.

No wonder the people come north to find a life for themselves and their families. I would too.

Concho Bill

You may not want to believe it Bill but the 'butchers' come right along with those poor people. They end up in LA, Houston and other large cities around the country.

You may not want to believe it Bill but the 'butchers' come right along with those poor people. They end up in LA, Houston and other large cities around the country.


Greysun, You are spot on. Many come North to steel something from the rich Americano. All illegals come North to cheat and lie and play our system. I say, "Send all illegals back". Still, I cannot blame anyone in Mexico for wanting a better life than what they have. Can You?

Concho Bill
Visit Balboa Park, see the museums. Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla.

And good ol' Ocean Beach- Stuck for eternity in 1968, trapped in a fold in the fabric of time :D


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Greysun, You are spot on. Many come North to steel something from the rich Americano. All illegals come North to cheat and lie and play our system. I say, "Send all illegals back". Still, I cannot blame anyone in Mexico for wanting a better life than what they have. Can You?

Concho Bill

Of course I can not Bill and I welcome any immigrant that legally goes through immigration process. Can contribute to this country as well as provide a better life for his family!

South of the Border...Hell No


My son in law used to go to Mexico for business trips and he was supplied with 24 hr. a day armed body guards and an armed professional driver. There was one attempted kidnapping that his driver averted by using his driving skills and after this his company decided that it was not worth the trouble to have their people exposed to risk. This happened in broad daylight on a highway in Tijuana.

DO NOT GO TO MEXICO !!!!!!!!!!!

And the rolly coaster, Tugs bar (whoops that was PB).

I think the roller coaster was in Mission Beach, but it's been 10 years since I left so don't quite remember. In my previous post meant to say "Ocean Beach."

So you think that the border cities are getting a bad rap, Eh? Check this out.


Concho Bill

Yep, thats the talk of the town this morning Bill.


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If you've ever traveled South of the US/Mexico Border Cities,you will see the grip that poverty has on the people who live there. Poverty breeds Corruption. Glenn

True that Glenn, but there's also the inherent/inbred corruption and greed. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. For years the system (Politicos, etc.) reaped the rewards (Pay offs) of the drug trade and now it's biting them in the botox. Too bad, so sad.

