glynn angle
Back in the sixty's I spent a fair amount of time in Juarez. I wouldn't go there on a bet today. Back then only main street in Juarez was paved. I went there once in late 70's, more paving but no other changes. Even prices were the same in "dollars". Had a couple of adventures, but mostly if you paid attention, you were safe, even late at night. Once had a shop keeper chase me down main street with a bowie knife. He didn't like the way I haggled with his help over a leather jacket. I actually think his English was too poor to understand what I was saying as I haggled. Had a fellow GI who went with me down from Roswell for the weekend, drink too much, use his fair Spanish in such away as to start a barfight& got arrested. The MP's regularly trolled the jail's for GI's, but he was moved about twice a day which made him hard to find. This was on a weekend, he finally made it back to Roswell on Friday. He did not recommend the hospitality in Mexican jails. He said the worst part was the open air jail cells (this being winter).Bars only for the ceiling. He was scabbed up some as well. Another GI & I once took our cars down to Juarez for Roll & Pleating. A 55 & 57 chevy"s. The job took 2 days & we knew to watch every minute to avoid banana peeling being using for stuffing. Late the second afternoon we were sitting on stools watching, waiting, & nodding off. Something,( probably the tension in the air) woke both of us. This was also a body shop. Using lead, coat hangers & an torch to fill dents & holes. Anyhow a well dressed Mexican businessman had been promised his body work would be finished by early afternoon, it wasn't & he pulled out a chrome plated revolver and expressed his feelings. They got REAL BUSY. We were soon able to leave. I've often wondered how that deal worked out. Sorry to run on so, but it's a different world, even back then. No REAL LAW, then or now.