watered down baseball

Doug Casner

New member
I was always a baseball fan ever since I can remember. Played it, watched it on tv,went to a few games. A national league fan because the American league had the d.h. Well now their putting the d.h. in the nat. league. You cant break up a double play anymore you gotta slide toward the bag, cant throw inside anymore. I hope none of them overpaid gentleman get a bruise let alone a strawberry. I can remember coming home with strawberries from sliding, seam marks from getting hit with the pitch, pulled muscles, sore arm and I didn't get paid. Now they play home run derby. Whats next two hand touch below the waist in the N.F.L.? Doug
I don’t really care for baseball very much but then, I’m from Detroit.

The money and free agency have ruined the game as far as I’m concerned. Mike Dombrowski traded a winning team away from Detroit and then he went to Boston with a bunch of them. He traded Verlander to Houston. And in the same breath traded Scherzer away.

Yea, that guy traded Verlander,scherzer,and Price. What an Einstein. I just get upset over the wussiacation of sports and were still supposed to pay it. Doug
I won't watch anything

where there is any likelihood of some of the overpaid social engineers elect to take a knee during our national anthem. They should stick to baseball
how about this

Yea, that guy traded Verlander,scherzer,and Price. What an Einstein. I just get upset over the wussiacation of sports and were still supposed to pay it. Doug
since the move of players and clubs in1950 s the great teams and players are gone watch silent movies their true
Well Hunter, I stopped going to the games when they raised the price of everything to get higher priced players that did diddley. Seven bucks for a hot dog or a beer is too much when they don’t even supply you with a linen napkin. Hell, I don’t even know what they get for a hot dog or beer now.
since the move of players and clubs in1950 s the great teams and players are gone watch silent movies their true

Hey Bill, I resemble that remark. Theres gotta be something in between. Nolan Ryan didn't pitch in the 50s and they didn't lean out over the plate on him. He would place a 95 mph fastball under their chin. Not hit em but they knew he owned the plate. Now they would warn him and if he did it again theyd throw him out of the game. Maybe in need to watch silent movies. They are just hard to hear. Doug
Hey Bill, I resemble that remark. Theres gotta be something in between. Nolan Ryan didn't pitch in the 50s and they didn't lean out over the plate on him. He would place a 95 mph fastball under their chin. Not hit em but they knew he owned the plate. Now they would warn him and if he did it again theyd throw him out of the game. Maybe in need to watch silent movies. They are just hard to hear. Doug


Back in Nolan Ryan's day, the strike zone wasn't 3 feet wide by 3 inches tall. If, today, they started calling a plate wide, letters to the numbers strike zone (like they should), Nolan Ryan could come out of retirement and win 15 games a season with that rising fastball of his.

Ryan was one, incredible, athlete. A freak of nature.

I was browsing his stats the other day and found a game in which he threw 235 pitches. 235 EFFING' PITCHES!!! IN ONE EFFING' GAME!!!

I think it was Oscar Gamble who said a good night facing Ryan was going 0 for 3 with a walk. That meant you didn't go 0 for 4. Another big leaguer said a good night was going 0-4 and not getting hit in the head by a pitch...

His last pitch in the major leagues, with an arm that was toast, was in the mid-nineties.

They don't make them like him anymore...one incredible human being.

And bugger all you naysayers...baseball is a great game. I love it!

Zeb, I know they don't get a high strike anymore. Your right the strike zone is little bity and low. I liked that Royals team that won the world series a few years ago and Im a cardinals fan. They played they call it small ball now. We used to call it baseball. Sacrifice bunt, hit behind the runner, hit and run, everybody didn't swing for the fence. You can still win games like that if you got the right guys. Ned Yost put a team together and won with it. Their a small cap team too. I get tired of a guy that's a fat slob but hes got great hand to eye and can hit a long fly ball. Doug
check this out

Hey Bill, I resemble that remark. Theres gotta be something in between. Nolan Ryan didn't pitch in the 50s and they didn't lean out over the plate on him. He would place a 95 mph fastball under their chin. Not hit em but they knew he owned the plate. Now they would warn him and if he did it again theyd throw him out of the game. Maybe in need to watch silent movies. They are just hard to hear. Doug
at my age you cant hear

I cant either Bill. Deaf in one ear and cant hear out of the other one. Heard a lot of guns go off without ear protection. Doug