
Years ago( early 80's) I shot on an indoor, not sure how long, min 100 meters, here in WI. It was a test faculty for a ammo produced for Govt. contracts, it is under ground except for the entrance/stat/ section. We shot there in the dead of winter with a toasty temp of 0 deg.(It was less than that outside) Couple torpedo propane heaters to take the chill off. The mirage was incredible. It was located on the edge of Vernon Marsh or at least close by. I can not remember the ammo Company name. They had a production faculty in Baraboo WI. It is possible that the range still exists and it might have been a Gov. installation. It might have been located on or next to a Nike site (remember those) as we had quite a few of those installations ringing Southeastern WI metro area back in the day.
I had the Great Fortune

to be able to shoot in Gene Beggs' tunnel last November. It was the fulfillment of one of the greatest desires I have had since I first heard of his facility. I found it to be interesting and fun.

I can see a number of benefits from being able to shoot in a facility that has "controled Conditions". Gene has figured out what he needs to do to have a nearly perfect environment to find out what a rifle can do. One can actually see what potential their components have. I only regret that I didn't bring any of my rifles to try there.

Gene carefully watched me shoot to see if I had bad bench manners I think. He didn't comment so I guess I did OK. I certainly tried to not "Air any Dirty Laundry". Durin my shoooting there we tried a number of combinations of loading components and tecniques. It was interesting to see how it all played out.

Gene did mention that the most accurate rifles he had seen in his facility were 30 BR's, which I thought was VERY interesting but was not terribly surprised.

Personally I think it is one of the numerous BR Myths that sez some rifles shoot better in the wind than others assuming they shot about the same in the calm. I think some shooters shoot better in the wind than others. 3000 FPS is 3000 FPS regardless of what it comes out of.
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Interesting responses. Yes some constant ventilation to remove powder residue, etc. would be needed which would mean added conditions - best would likely be large exhaust fans right at the target end for a constant flow away from the benches and towards the target frames - just like a tail wind. Opening any side windows* could add more conditions** so wind flags could still be in order. Sorta nutty :eek: but still interesting idea - might be fun. Night shoots would even be possible.

*Maybe some oscillating or intermittent fans could be used to imitate outside wind conditions - oh the possibilities!

**Or adding heat
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Red's indoor ranges has 2 locations in the Austin area. Both allow shooting out to 100 yards.
I have shot at both ranges and they are not perfect. The benches are to short and they flex.
There are some strange pressure waves coming off of the wall and maybe just a spot of mirage.
However I have shot several mid teen aggs in the south location using both 6ppc and the 257Ted.
I suspect that shooting a match indoors would be interesting for at least a couple of matches and would have its own problems to deal with. And like shooting outdoors I am sure that the cream would rise to the top.
Those guys that take the time to work on their equipment and practice diligently would continue to finish at the top just like they do outdoors.
Sometimes late at night I wake up in a cold sweat with the residue of the recurring dream about my perfectly designed rain free indoor 300 yard range still echoing in the caverns of my mind......A truly controlled range would have the means to introduce crosswinds--Hollywood can do it--so can we.....no rain...no snow....24/7/365 shooting....I'm going to buy TWO loto tickets tommorrow.........