Walt Berger Memorial Match February 3 - 5, 2023

The Arizona Benchrest Shooters is proud to announce that we will be holding the Walt Berger Memorial Match on February 3-5, 2023.

This match will be an NBRSA Short Range Group 3-Gun Match (Light Varmint, Heavy Varmint and Unlimited). The match will consist of two parts. There will be awards for the individual portions, as well as awards for a 2-man team event. The team match partners will be decided by drawing names out of a hat.

Course of Fire:
- Friday, Feb 3 – Unlimited 100 & 200 yd aggs – five 5 shot matches at each yard line
- Saturday, Feb 4 – Light Varmint 100 and 200 yd aggs – five 5 shot matches at each yard line
- Sunday, Feb 5 – Heavy Varmint 100 and 200 yd aggs – five 5 shot matches at each yard line

The range will be divided. Half the range will shoot 100 yds in the morning, while the other half shoots 200 yards. After lunch, the shooters will swap benches with their team member and shoot the other yard line.

Lester Bruno and Lou Murdica each donated $1,000 in prize money, and there is word that more prize money may be donated.
That is sure an interesting way to run a match. It would be interesting to hear peoples opinion on how they liked the different format after it is over.
John VM

The match will be a Light Varmint, Heavy Varmint and Unlimited…100yd and 200yd shot each day.

This will be a team match consisting of 2 competitors on each team…one competitor being a top shooter and the other an average shooter.

The 5 group aggregate will consist of 3 of the best groups from the top competitor and 2 of the best groups from the average competitor.

There will be a 3 gun award for teams.

Teams will start out on Friday morning…one team competitor at 100yds and the other team competitor at 200yds. They will switch positions in the afternoon.

Whichever team starts at the 100yd in the morning on Friday will then start on Saturday at the 200yd.

Money prizes will be given to each small group of the relay.
30 groups X $40.00 = $1,200.00

4th and 5th place aggregates
12 groups X $50.00 = $600.00

Team winners
2 competitors $100.00 = $200.00.