Wallkill Results 3 Gun & Unlimited Matches 07/14/13

Bob Griffin

New member
Thanks to everyone who came and shot and also Thanks to all those who helped. I appreciate it. To say it was HOT & HUMID just does not do it justice. We shot right past HOT & HUMID about 8:00 AM.. Hope for cooler drier air next time.

Sporter - Bill Buskey - 250-17-2, Mel Eck - 250-14-1, Bbo Griffin 247-12-4
10.5 - Ken Alfredo 250-18-1, Mel Eck 248-17-12, Bob Griffin 248-14-20
13.5 - Bob Griffin 250-17-7, Mel Eck 250-13-1, Bill Buskey 249-16-3

UL1 - Bob Griffin 250-17-2, Chris Peterson 248-15-12, Ken Alfredo 247-17-4
UL2 - Bob Griffin 250-19-13, Bill Buskey 250-19-5, Paul Vobecky 250-14-4
UL3 - Bob Griffin 250-21-1, Ed Longo 250-14-1, Bill Buskey 249-15-23

Again, Thanks to all, please come back.

Thanx for another great match,Bob. Yeah HOT! was 90deg. by 10:00am 94deg at 3:30pm Im guessing about 75-80% hum. maybe more! was a sweat feast! But great shooting once tricky conditions were figured out. Bob , seems you had it rite out of the gate, 4 - 250's in a row! I guess we call that a 1000!!! Nice shooting!!!
Bob, Thanks for running another great match and congrats on your 1000. You really owned the afternoon. Save some of that ammo for Easthampton.


Thanks for running a match that was "HOT" in more ways than one.....

Your shooting ......4x 250...... was way HOT, great going.

See you soon,


Thanks for running a match that was "HOT" in more ways than one.....

Your shooting ......4x 250...... was way HOT, great going.

See you soon,


Seems like the YORKERS are on a roll.........Wish I could shoot in the MASS St. match with you !

Congratulations Bob. Great shooting !!!!

Thanks for hosting a great match
Thanks everyone for the kind words. It was the first and probably the only 750, I'll ever shoot. It was just one of those days where everything kept working.

Jim, come on up anytime you can would liek to meet you and shoot with you.

Bob --- holy smokes man! .. great shooting.

Jim - you're always welcome to come up and we'll make some accommodations for you!!

Congratulations Bob. 750's are special, not a suprise the way you've been shooting.
