
I'm number 173 who hasn't a clue as to what this is about.

Don is affectionately refering to the "firewalker" a northern colorado shoot held in mid september each year,

nice folks and a nice range that flows in and out sometimes quite regularly (wind from behind I call it the wave as it comes in waves and sometimes qill come back twice or three times in a relay)

nice guys

if you are confused ask about the pup or wolfpup or the 22 ppc case that has more than one shoulder, now that is neat and the guy who shoots it looks like a guy in the movies , cannot remember his name, nick nolte I think

Thanks Todd

Congrats to Larry who is a super neat guy and good new shooter! Don you should've stopped in on your way by!

Well Don, I just got my results in the mail...

Two gun top ten results were:

.2040 Larry White
.2258 Cecil Peterson
.2383 Richard Debick
.2632 Jim Erickson
.2746 Paul Holland
.2775 Terry Hettich
.2819 Cliff McNairy
.2843 Muriel Hensley
.2865 Michael Beard
.2867 Bob Martinez

A good time was had by all as the conditions were very good and Saturday nights steak dinner was outstanding. Many thanks to Bud Schallles and crew for putting on a great shoot. Hope to see you here next year and good shootin' at the Nats!

Travel safe

Yes it was a great shoot as always!!!! Bud runs a fantastic match!!! The usual suspects were found and the honorary Dan D was there. Back in the day I'm told it was a big party, tamed some by now but there are still a few us that stay up late and carry on.. Missed you Todd and Larry...plan on seeing you at the Purple Haze. Another great time!!!! Congrats to Larry! He has put in a lot of time and energy in BR and deserves the accomplishments! Besides a .20 grand is awesome anywhere! I need to take this opportunity to give a HUGE shout out to Bud S.!!!!!! My bro has stage 4 cancer and not long left on this rock. He has never shot BR or knows anything about it. Bud made accommodations for him to shoot with us and it was perfect!!!! Made some extremely beloved memories for me and my family!!!! I can't say enough heartfelt, wonderful compliments to Bud, to me he is a perfect example of what BR is really about!!! Tom Stiner extended the same invite to us in G.J. I hope he can make it. Dan D, Mark, Tom, Rodney, Bob, Dave, Jim, Bonnie, Rose, Lowell, Jack, I can't name them all but the whole Co, WY, MT, TX, Utah, SD, NE, NM crowd, their awesome!!!! Thanks everyone!!! Oh and Nick Nolte (AKA Bill Pond) is a SD shooter and the double shoulder 22 is the Mongral. Bill and the boys in SD are awesome too!! Good luck to everyone and shoot small to finish the year :).