Waaithing to get Tested at this minute.

The best defense against this or any virus is no underlying health problems and a healthy immune system.
Hey Jackie

Your friends are anxiously waiting to hear about the results of your Corona virus test. The last we heard, you were waiting for your number to be called for testing. Hope they didn't lock you away in one of those ships that you work on. Let us know with just a note saying you are okay.

Gene Beggs
Guys, I wish I knew as well.

Here is the story as of this morning.

This testing was set up for Senior Citizens by the office of Shiela Jackson Lee through the United Memorial Testing Center.

I waited the 2 days for my results. I then called, and was told it might take an additional 24 hours. After not hearing from them, Last Thursday I called again. They said it might take as long as 5 days from day of testing. So, I called back at 3:00pm Friday, still no results.

I told the Lady on the phone that I could have already gotten sick, been 2/3 of the way to recovery, or be dead by now.

She said I would have to call back Monday.

I still have no symptoms, feel fine. So in all likelihood that test will be negative.

I am beginning to believe this was nothing more than a political stunt by Shiela Jackson Lee. That may be cenacle, but they said at the time of the test that in 24 hours we would have our results.

But, the TV cameras are gone now, so the emergency must have passed.

If you don't get an answer today, I'd be calling the TV station whose camera(s) was rolling or the local health department or sheriff and report a possible hoax. Maybe all 3. WD
Jackie !

Jackie, glad to hear you are okay. If you are showing no symptoms by now, I think you can breathe easy about the virus test.

Best regards,

Gene Beggs
It’s gone from ridiculous to absurd.

Well, it’s been 9 days. I have called every day, asking for my results. The past three days, just a recording saying to leave a message. Sure, like they were actually going to call me back.

Today at noon, I tried the number again and got a live person on the line.

I told her I had been waiting nine days for my results. She left the phone for about five minutes, when she came back, she said that my test had been contaminated in shipment and I needed to get retested if I wanted to.

I asked how, she said she could make me an appointment at the FM 1960 IH 45 station. She then asked me what payment would I use.

I told her the one 9 days ago was set up by Shiela Jackson Lee as being free to Senior Citizens. Her response was that was a one time thing and if I wanted to get re tested, I would have to arrange payment.

I wanted to unload on her, but I realize she is just a mindless bureaucrat. So I just told her to forget it.

The best way I can describe this entire experience is........bulls-t

By the way, my younger brother, who was tested the same day as I, was told they could not find his records.
I told her the one 9 days ago was set up by Shiela Jackson Lee as being free to Senior Citizens. Her response was that was a one time thing and if I wanted to get re tested, I would have to arrange payment.

Sounds like a call to Ms. Lee is up next.
Sounds like a call to Ms. Lee is up next.

I just wrote her an email. I was polite and to the point. She needs to know the results of her efforts.

By the way, I have been keeping up with how many times I have been hit with a temperature heat gun at the gates of various shipyards I have been to since Friday. The shine the red dot on your forehead for about five seconds.

13 so far in four different ‘yards.

If you are not normal, you don’t get in.
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Political TEST

Well, it’s been 9 days. I have called every day, asking for my results. The past three days, just a recording saying to leave a message. Sure, like they were actually going to call me back.

Today at noon, I tried the number again and got a live person on the line.

I told her I had been waiting nine days for my results. She left the phone for about five minutes, when she came back, she said that my test had been contaminated in shipment and I needed to get retested if I wanted to.

I asked how, she said she could make me an appointment at the FM 1960 IH 45 station. She then asked me what payment would I use.

I told her the one 9 days ago was set up by Shiela Jackson Lee as being free to Senior Citizens. Her response was that was a one time thing and if I wanted to get re tested, I would have to arrange payment.

I wanted to unload on her, but I realize she is just a mindless bureaucrat. So I just told her to forget it.

The best way I can describe this entire experience is........bulls-t

By the way, my younger brother, who was tested the same day as I, was told they could not find his records.

Perhaps a nice campaign donation would turn this around ?
Knowing Sheila Jackson Lee's political affiliation and knowing what I think are Jackie's political leanings: a campaign donation AINT going to happen! Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

Well, it’s been 9 days. I have called every day, asking for my results. The past three days, just a recording saying to leave a message. Sure, like they were actually going to call me back.

Today at noon, I tried the number again and got a live person on the line.

I told her I had been waiting nine days for my results. She left the phone for about five minutes, when she came back, she said that my test had been contaminated in shipment and I needed to get retested if I wanted to.

I asked how, she said she could make me an appointment at the FM 1960 IH 45 station. She then asked me what payment would I use.

I told her the one 9 days ago was set up by Shiela Jackson Lee as being free to Senior Citizens. Her response was that was a one time thing and if I wanted to get re tested, I would have to arrange payment.

I wanted to unload on her, but I realize she is just a mindless bureaucrat. So I just told her to forget it.

The best way I can describe this entire experience is........bulls-t

By the way, my younger brother, who was tested the same day as I, was told they could not find his records.

They didn't get the results they were hoping for!
I just wrote her an email. I was polite and to the point. She needs to know the results of her efforts.

By the way, I have been keeping up with how many times I have been hit with a temperature heat gun at the gates of various shipyards I have been to since Friday. The shine the red dot on your forehead for about five seconds.

13 so far in four different ‘yards.

If you are not normal, you don’t get in.

You realize if that red dot gets stuck on your forehead you gotta' start wearing the khimar.... the bhurka hijab and and niqab are optional but the khimar is man'yatory....

Boots and a bhurka..... hmmm, that's perty stylin' though....
Well if for no other reason it's been a pretty good gun control tactic there is no place to shoot. Even our range is closed, matches cancelled and govt. controlled public lands are closed. Hell there's few places open for the bad guys to even rob.
Well if for no other reason it's been a pretty good gun control tactic there is no place to shoot. Even our range is closed, matches cancelled and govt. controlled public lands are closed. Hell there's few places open for the bad guys to even rob.

Louis, Our club didn't shut down.