VV N140 in .308 win


LC Smith

Does anyone have any experience using N140 in .308 win? I would be using 130- 180gr bullets.
Why not
VV140 (42-43 grains)
with Sierra MK 168 grains

It's always a good combination in a .308 rifle
Good luck ;) from a cold Sweden
Vit 140

I've used it and it works well. My 40 XB-T one hole's 155 Palma's over 41.5g of Varget and 1/4's 168 SMK over/43g of 3130. Same load as Remington's custom shop tests with.

Love my 40 X.

This was a very stiff load, possibly not safe in your rifle. As always use extreme caution when loading and working up to your rifles safe and accurate charge weight.

Two distinct groups shot at 300 yards. Sight correction after the first five rounds.
I have been using N-133 with short barrel, 20-22", 308s since 2002.

Works good with 150 gr and less bullets.

I shot a 308 HBR rifle for three years and used N-140 exclusively in it. I shot some of my best scores with that rifle shooting 118 FB bullets over 42g of N-140. The barrel I shot them with is still living and will shoot well.
308 Win Kreiger Palma barrel. Its favorite powder is 140 with 155 SMK's.
Just a couple hairs under 308 Sako's load. It is pretty stout in Lapua brass.
Stout is what any Viht usually likes tho.
Does anyone have experience using VV-540 in their .308 using 150 TSX?
We tried N-550 with 150 Gr tips in our M-14s a few years ago.

N-550 burns best at higher pressures. At the lower pressures for the M-14 it was very dirty and not very accurate.

I suspect it would be much better in a strong bolt rifle.
I have 2 lbs

of it I tried in a 30 BR years ago. I can't tell you now how it acted but I still have most of it :(
Vito VU n140

The VitoVu N140 is the most used powder in Holland,
But it is very expensif. We must pay 70 euro for one Kilogram.

The VitoVu N140 is the most used powder in Holland,
But it is very expensif. We must pay 70 euro for one Kilogram.

just roughly calculating I am guessing we have to pay about the same for Viht here as well; why I quit using it. When other powders work as well, why pay more?
N 140 with 134 gr BIB FB bullets in my rifle 700 Rem Hart ss match grade barrel, (44.4gr powder) shoots consistently @100 yards .2's