Vote is in ! Hawks Ridge Gun Club 1K range



OK the ballots have been counted that were sent in by the deadline and it was 30-5 with the YES being the WINNER . The club has voted to be IBS affiliated for 2013 .
A match schedule will be posted by the end of the month. if any questions please contact Junior Frye at
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Sorry to that, I will not be back. Been there done that, now you will have other people telling you guys how to run your club.
Dennis johnson
I for one am sorry to hear that Dennis, we had been with the IBS for several years in the past and you shot with us, the matches are still going to run the same as 2012 and as they were in the past. I sure hope you change your mind and come have fun with us. Take Care, your old friend.
I have had my fill of IBs, Going to the winter meeting. Argueing with clubs that could barely get enough people togeather for a points match but yet telling us how our matches should be run. On two different occasions it was me and one other club member dealing with 6 0r 8 members from a smaller club. It should be about match attendance not how many people you can bus to the winter meeting. As far as records go the last time I looked the only in Gunniess was the PA one. I also dont feel its right that a club member has to join IBS to win a relay. If a club member wins a relay he should advance to the shoot offs. If he or she is none IbS just means the losers should shoot better next.
I have had my fill of IBs, Going to the winter meeting. Argueing with clubs that could barely get enough people togeather for a points match but yet telling us how our matches should be run. On two different occasions it was me and one other club member dealing with 6 0r 8 members from a smaller club.

My dear friend Dennis,

First, let me tell you how grateful I am, we are, for the help and guidance and encouragement you provided to get Hawks Ridge up and running again. Thanks also for for my birthday cake at the organizational meeting this past February. I was touched. But especially right now, thanks for depicting so passionately the chronic problem that afflicts clubs that can't travel to proportionately represent their interests during policy formation at the IBS winter meeting. There are lots of folks that agree with you and some of them are in IBS leadership. This problem can be changed by instituting polling the membership by means not requiring attendance. We have the internet and USPS and this can be fixed. I want you back at HR and if helping to get an agenda item through the process and into policy is part of what it takes then I'll start now.

Thank you Dennis.

Why does a club member have to be a IBS member to advance to shoot offs. Thats not right. The club dues and match fees pays for the relay pins and plaques, not the IBS. You will be paying htem a dollar a target to tell you how run your club,plus your yearly dues. But the points whores will be happy.
Why does a club member have to be a IBS member to advance to shoot offs. Thats not right. The club dues and match fees pays for the relay pins and plaques, not the IBS. You will be paying htem a dollar a target to tell you how run your club,plus your yearly dues. But the points whores will be happy.

Same reason that policy applies to any "sanctioned" shoot or sport. If you want to be IBS sanctioned, that is their rules. Same thing with NRA matches, tennis etc. Ran non-sanctioned matches and make up any rules you want. However, you cannot have it both ways in IBS, NBRSA, PA 1K or any other.

Does not get any more complex than that.
If you are a dues paying club member you should be able to compete, If you happen to beat out a IBS member they just need to shoot a little better next time. I am not the only CLUB MEMBER that feels that way.
Ok then, hold club matches and make up any rule you want. Hell, worst group and score wins. Does not matter.

However, IF the club decides to hold IBS sanctioned matches, then IBS rules apply regardless of how many club members disagree. Exactly the same way in every other sport. Nothing new here, quit acting like you personally are being discriminated against.

What I want to hear is why do you think you are "special" and that the rules should not apply to you?

What other rules do you want to not follow? Come on, this cannot be the only one.

Do you want 18 lb light guns also?

Wait a minute, I just realized you "will not be back and do not want anyone else telling you how to run the club", but you want to make up your own rules over the majority that voted.

Nice, real nice. No wonder club leadership often contemplates suicide when dealing with certain curmudgen members.
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I am a Hawks ridge supporter first and fore most. Ibs points are not important to me. Having a good time and shooting with friends is. So we will just have to agree to disagree.The club comes first and I will go along with rest.You have to have a vivable membership and a place to shoot before you worry about any thing else.