vias muzzle brake



Would anyone recommend a vias muzzle brake on the .300 WSM? Do they really reduce recoil up to 40 percent as advertised? Do they effect accuracy? Have never had one.
Vias brakes.... I have bought,installed,used and made similar copies.on all my varmint guns.... they work....good brakes..... 40% reduction...??? can`t say...
I shot off a bench with them..... they have holes out the bottom so if you`re on the ground...lotsa dust...
they can affect accuracy.... I have`nt saw it but in theory.... they can.I always loaded up 20 rounds.... shot 10 shot group b-4 and 10 after.... never had a problem.... accuracy wise.... I needed .300" or less on my rifles....not benchrest stds.
There`s more to putting one on than one would expect... most barrels are i.d and o.d unconcentric.So to make them work and look good it takes 2 lathe set-ups.Also correct clearence hole for bullet is critical.....
bill larson
Not to be a buttaboutit but it's VAIS!

As in vase

Search Vais muzzlebrakes on Yahoo for the whole story.

Some don't think a man's name is important but I do....

Just like it's KELBLY'S not Kelby's.

The only exception is OrtlesDorf or Oysterfreud or Olderfords or Ostlerdorf or Ortersdolf or whatever The Petrol Blender Man is going by these daze........
Thanks for the help bill! Do you think it would make any difference between a flat base bullet and a boat tail bullet?
I have used them on a 6.5x284 and two 300 win mags. I don't like to get pushed around on the bench, three cheer's for VIAS!!! DOGDUDE
I have a Vais on a 300WM Sendero and a 25-06 Sendero. Works as advertised, and I'll do it again when the need arises.

I just personally talked with a competitor at the last Piedmont match who will be doing an upcoming article on muzzle brakes. He has written numerous intelligent articles for Precision Shooting in the past and he gave me his opinion. Mind you, I was not even asking about the Vais? His tests showed the additional holes in the front don't mean "squat!". I shoot every week with a man who has a Vais and he claims the Harrell's I put on his rifle is better? Go figure?
Rich De
I manufacture muzzle brakes for a couple rifle builders and my understanding is this, if the center hole is extremely concentric to the thread and each hole in each row is in the same location from the shoulder it will shoot great. now recoil reduction is really only a factor of surface area. I make all of my brakes very accurately and they shoot great. I personal don't think the Vais is more affective but if you like the look it is great.
those two items are nice, but if not inline with the bore and with min clearance to the bullet dia..its just a muzzle weight.
I own several guns with a Vais brake installed: two 7mm RSAUMS and one 300 Win Mag. They definately reduce recoil (how much exactly, I don't know, but enough I enjoy shooting them with a brake and not really without). two of the three afore mentioned guns are lightweight hunting guns and one is 17#s. I have shot with and without the brake installed and have not seen an accuracy change. Which plexes me because you are adding more weight to the end of the barrel.?! All brakes (besides suppresors) are quite noticeably louder, not sure if the Vais is quieter then any other. I agree with the statement that the installation is crucial. I have been told that the bigger diameter (OD) the better for reduced recoil. I would suggest calling Vais and talking with them. Once installed you can always take it off to get a "feel" for reduced felt recoil and re-install it (also for accuracy changes) and if you decide you don't like it, just have the gunsmith cut the threads off and go back to a standard muzzle (minus about 1/2"). Good luck and have fun.
Are the fish gill type or clam shell type more efficient than the ones with the little holes. Ive heard one large hole will vent more gas than a lot of little holes . MAX
its not about VENTING gas, its about redirecting gas........the left right holes will pull forward, but not stop muzzle climb. holes on the top do....holes on the bottom make it all uniform, but will kick up dust....i believe the left right clam shell goes back to tank gun design.

mike in co
my own opinion is that its not even so much about redirecting gasses (didnt we just have this discussion a while ago), but its about how much surface area you have for the gasses to push against, which is why big clamshells like the JP Enterprises brake works so well. this is part of why most guys with silencers will tell you, they work as well or better than most muzzle brakes( they have lots of surface area inside for the gasses to act upon).
Vias Micro Brake

I have a 257 WBY chambered in a fat Remington Varmint contour bbl . Will this brake do the job ? I won't be shooting in the prone position .
i like 2 or more large ports 90*or less
it is area of gas impact..those small round ports just aint got enough surface area..
i have one, but my big port stuff works better.

I have a 257 WBY chambered in a fat Remington Varmint contour bbl . Will this brake do the job ? I won't be shooting in the prone position .
Shot the Vias brake today

Shot thru the brake today ,no way is it quieter than a side port brake. But it did reduce recoil. Huge difference between 90gr bullets and 110 gr bullets.