Very Sad News - Dick Grosbier passes


I just received a call that Dick Grosbier passed away. Dick was very well known in benchrest, especially in the Score discipline. He has been the IBS webmaster from day one, I believe. He was serving as the 1st VP of IBS and was the Match Chairman. Dick worked tirelessly on behalf of our sport. His sometimes prickly personality belied the proverbial "heart of gold". He was a good man. He left a pronounced void in the world of Benchrest.

Condolences to his widow, Carol, and the entire Grosbier family.

This is very sad news....hard to believe he is gone.
I am so sorry to hear this

I am very sad to hear of Dick's passing. I spoke with him Wednesday night and he sounded tired after the issues with his recent neck operation.

He was one of the most helpful and concerned people I have met in benchrest, an enthusiastic and helpful shooter with as big a heart as anyone I have ever met. I thoroughly enjoyed my numerous phone conversations with him over the years. He will be sadly missed by all his Maine friends. Carol, our sympathy and prayers to you at this tough time in your life. --Greg
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Sorry to hear of Dick's passing. He's been an icon in IBS since I can remember. Prayers for the family.
So sad to hear, condolences to his family. Over the years Dick and I did some trading, I'll miss him.
Sad News Indeed

My condolences to Carol and all who appreciated him. He will not easily be replaced. Particularly shaking for me because Dick and I were, with in a few days, the same age! Diminished indeed.

So sorry to hear of his passing. I never met him in person but I had many phone conversations and emails.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Bill McIntyre
Sorry to hear this, Dick will be missed. He did a lot to promote IBS and Thurmont over the years. My condolences and prayers to the family.
Very Sad News - Dick Grosbjier passe

Sorry to hear about Dick passing. He was a real spur for score shooting. He will surely be missed.
Very sad new - Dick Grosbier passing

Our deepest condolences to the Grosbier family. Our prayers and thoughts are will you. Dick will be sorely missed.

Bob H.

Good Lord......... what a loss for us all.......
a great knowledgeable fellow......... who would share it......
RIP..... dick.. you will be sorely missed.......