Very furstrating pressure issues....

not straight across data but it looks like you are low in the pressure band for 50bmg powder.....and when working below its perfered burn pressure strange things happen..

i get pressure at 47kpsi with a 240 sie in a 34 in quickload...its only a tool not a bible....

would need more specific data to get in ql does not have a 30/378 in thier data base....

mike in co

check with the powder manufacturer I had a problem with a 44 I thought cutting down on the load would make it better but it did not I called and they told me with some duel base powders if you drop below a certain point it doesnt burn it pops like black powder I blew two cases apart before I called It was splitting the cases and not ejecting them (semiautomatic) started where the rep told me no more problem
Because it won't hold. ALL the neck tension you can get, epoxy, whatever.... it won't hold. And if you DO get it to hold, say by crimping, it'll just drive the ogive into the lands.

To alla' you'se who don't believe me, test it.

post procedure and results here
