Utah State Championships 2008 Final Results


Mike Paul

I won't spent much time on talking about conditions, but I believe it was 104 on Saturday and hit 100 at one point on Sunday. The new berm had some scrathing their heads at times-others beating their heads on the columns. Jim Erickson is writing up the match report and we will let him report the details and aggs. I just saw an Excel Spreadsheet that looks good on another thread and will probably borrow it in the future as it looks like it works great.

1. Gil Graser
2. Tom Guisewhite
3. Ron Duffin
4. Ed Maxwell
5. Scott Douglas

1. Lowell Frei
2. Gil Graser
3. Tom Guisewhite
4. Jim Bawden
5. Keith Kirkman

Sporter Grand
1. Gil Graser
2. Tom Guisewhite
3. Lowell Frei
4. Jim Bawden
5. Ron Duffin

10 Shot Unlimited 100
1. Ed Maxwell
2. Mike Paul
3. Joe Olas
4. Lowell Frei
5. Randy Higgs

10 shot Unlimited 200
1. Mike Paul
2. Joe Olas
3. Ed Maxwell
4. Roger Freeman
5. Rudy Carnesecca

Unlimited Grand
1. Mike Paul
2. Ed Maxwell
3. Joe Olas
4. Bob Prather
5. Roger Freeman

Sporter/ Unlimited
1. Ed Maxwell
2. Joe Olas
3. Roger freeman
4. Tom Guisewhite
5. Art Clegg

3 Gun
1. Gil Graser
2. Bob Sedgwick
3. Tom Guisewhite
4. Roger Freeman
5. Bruce Black

4 Gun
1. Roger Freeman
2. Bob Sedgwick
3. Joe Olas
4. Tom Guisewhite
5. Ed Maxwell

Many thanks to all who helped run the Match-we had a lot of help. Jim Erickson and I swapped positions during the weekend to help Dave Tunbridge with the scoring while I got to shoot unlimited and he got to shoot sporter. Thanks for that Jim! Dave Tunbridge has to be commended-you match directors know how much work it is to put these things on. When the temps are over 100 degrees, it makes it that much harder. He has spent countless hours making this a premier event, and with Jim Erickson, Joe Olas, target crew, and others to help keep things running smooth-it has become just that. As Jim Bawden said, "many hands make light work!"

Congrats to all the winners-thanks for a great season, and see you next year!

Mike Paul
Dave Tunbridge
Thank you

I wanted to say 'thanks' to Dave and the crew for another great, well-run match! You do an outstanding job.

Thank you also to the AZ guys, Ed, Art and Gary for the traveling trophy we have this year. That was a very nice thing to do on your part.

Good Job AZ Shooters

Great shooting Ed & Art! Nice to see AZ well represented at this match.

Jeff Welker
Congrats to all!

Adrian (a former UT resident) Van Gorder
I wanted to say 'thanks' to Dave and the crew for another great, well-run match! You do an outstanding job.

Thank you also to the AZ guys, Ed, Art and Gary for the traveling trophy we have this year. That was a very nice thing to do on your part.


Doris and Lester Bruno donated the 4 guns trophies this year, and they donated last years 4 gun too. In all the hurriedness to get the results posted here, I forgot to mention this. Our friends down south have been very gracious to us and we greatly appreicate it!

Thanks Doris and Lester!!!

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Hey Mike....

Whose the rail maker of the rail you use?

It's a Young-

Dave Blazzard told me of a Brand New Left handed Young Rail for sale last winter that was built by Dave Bruno. The person he builkt it for decided to get out of benchrest before he took possesion of it. I was lucky to be the first one to make an offer to Dave. Don Gentner was kind enough to bring it to the Cactus for me.

I was really lucky, If I would have ordered a rail from Jay Young and the action from Bat-this would have been the exact rail I would have ordered from scratch-and it would have taken over 2 years to get it. You just get lucky once in a while.



You have have been shooting well this year with the bag guns-I've been keeping my eye on you.

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Dave Blazzard told me of a Brand New Left handed Young Rail for sale last winter that was built by Dave Bruno. The person he builkt it for decided to get out of benchrest before he took possesion of it. I was lucky to be the first one to make an offer to Dave. Don Genter was kind enough to bring it to the Cactus for me.

I was really lucky, If I would have ordered a rail from Jay Young and the action from Bat-this would have been the exact rail I would have ordered from scratch-and it would have taken over 2 years to get it. You just get lucky once in a while.



You have have been shooting well this year with the bag guns-I've been keeping my eye on you.


Is that the Lee Kay center where you took the pics?

Great rail and the bolt is on the correct side as well! If you ever want to get rid of it, you have a buyer not too far from you!

Yeah, That's Lee Kay where I put my first rounds through it. It looked promising from the moment I shot it. The base is one of those heavy suckers that make your back hurt at the end of the match. I don't think I will be parting with it for a while.

As Lowell Frei told me last weekend-"find something that works and ride it out to the end". Bruno OO Boatails were working really well with light neck tension and a soft jamb. I need to pick up a die from Clarence Hammonds to make the the bolt lift easier on those hot days when the cases are sticking. I was having some trouble towards the end of the 200 on Sunday. The heat doesn't help a hot load either. Ed Maxwell was telling me he has 100 fresh fireformed brass available for his if things start to stick. That would be another way to deal with it.

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Yeah, That's Lee Kay where I put my first rounds through it. It looked promising from the moment I shot it. The base is one of those heavy suckers that make your back hurt at the end of the match. I don't think I will be parting with it for a while.

As Lowell Frei told me last weekend-"find something that works and ride it out to the end". Bruno OO Boatails were working really well with light neck tension and a soft jamb. I need to pick up a die from Clarence Hammonds to make the the bolt lift easier on those hot days when the cases are sticking. I was having some trouble towards the end of the 200 on Sunday. The heat doesn't help a hot load either. Ed Maxwell was telling me he has 100 fresh fireformed brass available for his if things start to stick. That would be another way to deal with it.


I thought I recognized those bench tops.

I have a Hammond die I'm not using and you're welcome to try it out if you want. If it works for you, you can keep it.

I had sticky bolt lift too last year when I was trying to run H322 in 90 degree heat so I bought a Redding Small base sizer for those stubborn cases. It works great and was half the cost of some of the custom dies.

As for the rail, I have a young back and would be interested in buying it from you even if it's 15 years down the road. Maybe by then, you'll be sick of lugging it around!
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There may be a good chance that I will be down there. We were awarded a project in Visalia that needs to start before the end of the month, and I will probably PM the job. The start of the project would be close to that weekend. We will see what happens...


BTW-our rails and rifles were hot before we shot them up here!
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Dave Blazzard told me of a Brand New Left handed Young Rail for sale last winter that was built by Dave Bruno. The person he builkt it for decided to get out of benchrest before he took possesion of it. I was lucky to be the first one to make an offer to Dave. Don Gentner was kind enough to bring it to the Cactus for me.

I was really lucky, If I would have ordered a rail from Jay Young and the action from Bat-this would have been the exact rail I would have ordered from scratch-and it would have taken over 2 years to get it. You just get lucky once in a while.



You have have been shooting well this year with the bag guns-I've been keeping my eye on you.


That left handed monster would look good on my bench. I wouldn't know what to do with it, but it would look good.