US World Team Points Standing (match 1 - Cactus)

Rank Competitor Points

1. Lou Murdica 297
2. Mike Ratigan 296
3t. Larry Costa 288
3t. Gary Sinclair 288

5. William Summers 286
6. Larry Scharnhorst 284
7. Wayne Campbell 277
8. James King 273

9. Bob Dodd 272
10. Ed Adams 268
11. Roger Freeman 265
12. Gene Bukys 263

13. Bart Sauter 258
14. Dean Parker 257
15. Dave Tunbridge 256
16. Jack Snyder 249

17t. Rex Reneau 246
17t. Charles Huckeba 246
19. Bill Smith 240
20. Keith Cottrell 239

21t. Steve Theye 238
21t. Lester Bruno 238
21t. Jim Erickson 238
24. Dale Boop 234

25. Tony Levenson 233
26t. Joe Krupa 231
26t. George Raymond 231
28t. Roy Damron 230
28t. Jake King 230
28t. Russ Hardy 230

Point system clarification:

Competitors will be allowed a maximum of 150 points per LV & HV grands. The 150 point maximum is used only on grands having 150 or more competitors in either yardage in that grand.

Example: LV 100 = 152 shooters
LV 200 = 145 shooters

1st place in LV grand shall be awarded 150 points

In matches with less than 150 competitors the largest number of competitors in either yardage of that grand shall be the maximum amount of points awarded for that grand.

Example: LV 100 = 98 shooters
LV 200 = 95 shooters

1st place in LV grand shall be awarded 98 points

Ties will be broken and awarded based on the lowest aggregate of the competitors LV and HV grands in their three (3) respective qualifying matches.

Wayne Campbell
NBRSA International Representative
Looks like Billy Stevens had better get his SERIOUS carnivore face on, or Bart will never let him hear the end of it...
Thanks Wayne

This should clarify some of the questions that have been asked. It really isn't any different from the past except for the 150 maximun per agg. Don
Competitors are urged to

check and verify your World Team qualifying points. Please notify me about any possible issues. We want to make any necessary corrections ASAP.