Unlimited Rail Gun Enthusiast ?


New member
After reading the posts about and comments about the Sniper King match, I had a few thoughts and would like to share them and hear everyone else thoughts.
* What about starting a rail gun registry? For Rail Gun owners and shooters.
* Breaking down registered matches where Rail Guns and Rail gun owners compete into a special group registry, results or log so rail gun activity can be recorded & shared with the same like people.
I've been involved in several clubs organizations where this type of stuff is available, hunting dogs, hot rod cars, boats, etc.
I for one have a passion for all Rail guns and would like to see the class grow, I'm not for the 5 shot group matches but understand why they were put in place ( to equal the playing field ) so more shooters can compete in the events, but I feel there would be a greater interest in the Rail gun class if we would do something to seperate it from the other classes like I think was originally suggested?

Rail Guns are works of art, they also offer the shooter a option that is not available to most in any other shooting discipline. So we as bench rest shooters should embrace these works of art and try to preserve and grow this discipline as often as possible.

I know this would be a major undertaking but like everything else, those envolved and interested would be the catalyst to do such a thing and get this started if there is enough interest. Myself! I'm very intrigued by these machines and shooters that shoot them, if you have not taken the time to witness a Rail gun event I suggest you do so, you will be blown away by the speed, precision, accuracy and design of these unique machines. I'm a huge Rail gun fan, and would like to see this aspect of the sport grow as well as the Bench Rest sport as a whole grow.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I welcome and look forward to your reply's.
P.S Thank you Wilbur for allowing us to have this type of discussion and keeping this forum alive. If I can help in any way please let me know.
Rich Henderson
Dusty I'm with you, I priced my Rail, then took it to the range the very next day. Shot several groups, started off with a group of 3, all in the same hole. Then I thought Id shoot 5, all in the same hole? I started thinking??? OK I'll try a group of 10 and after that group I'm hooked, all 10 in a tiny hole. WOW! These machines are so good I could not bring myself to sell it and the buyer understood thank goodness. All I can say is if you have never shot or witnessed a Rail gun in action you are missing out, they are truly works of art when working properly. WOW!
Quote I gave just the other day.

" I told a buddy of mine, I like to shoot paper, he's a hunter but if your into shooting targets and want to see where your bullets print, you might not want a Rail Gun as this one seems to shoot all of them into one hole" thus not allowing me to see where the other 7-8 bullets go" WOW! I've never thought this type of accuracy existed outside the very best shooters realm.

Now the challenge begins trying to learn this thing! and thank goodness I had a witness, he's as amazed as I am but now I have to keep this thing satisfied?
Rich,,,,get another bbl quick,,,save that one for Nationals etc,,,,dont burn it up plinking,,,Roger
PS<,,,I have a Hasecuter rail for sale also,,,,
saving your barrel

For whatever reason I've not had much luck when it comes to trying to save a barrel. After removing it and re-installing, it never seems to be the same as before removal. Could be in the actual torque of the barrel to the action? Could be the way the barrel block is reinstalled? Maybe something else I've overlooked? This isn't just with a rails but with sporters and heavies too. Once the barrel comes off and then back on, I haven't had constant success in repeat performance.
Dave B
Explain a little more about what a "registry" is...we might can do that if the match results are available.
Thanks Wilbur

A registry can be just about anything you want. But what I was thinking was a place to register a rail and shooter / owner's info.
1. Short bio on Rail & Shooter
2. Clubs that hold Unlimited matches & results
3. Match results along with up coming matches
4. Everything Rail related ?
5. Pictures of rails, clubs and shooters, etc.

Wilbur That would be awesome, I had never thought about asking you, but it would be very convenient if you were to do it here. Thank you for even considering it.
Unlimited Rail Registry ?
I'm sure a lot of these guys can add to this and may even have some better ideas, but in summary it would be a place for Rail gun lovers and shooters to hang their hats, so to speak or at least keep information pertaining to the Unlimited Rial guns, owners and competition. ?

Just a few ideas and I look forward to hearing the others thoughts as well.
Thanks Rich
FBecigneul Thanks!
That would be a great place to start, I think it would be great to start a registry? That way guys on the fence can have a centralized place to check out these wonderful machines and shooters that shoot them. I'm excited and would love to see the Unlimited class grow, and it has to start somewhere, why not here.

On my last trip to the range I had several guys, competitors come over and check out my rail that I spent more time talking about it than I did shooting it, most shooters don't have any idea what a rail gun actually is. Several IDPA pistol shooters were amazed with the rail. I had one serious trap shooter stop and look and thought it was something out of the future. LOL He said if they had guns like that years ago he would have gotten envolved. I told him they have been around for many years, just not to many people have seen or are exposed to them. He asked if I would call him the next time I brought it to the range so he could watch me shoot it. ( potential new rail gun owner )? Who knows.

Saving the Barrel?
There's a unique story behind my rail gun, and I would be happy to share it. It originally belonged to Mike Swartz, he was a regular here and passed away a few years ago. I think he was well known, respected here on BRC and was a machine shop owner. The barrel on it now is the second barrel of it's life and was chambered by another well know gunsmith that did a lot of Mikes work, so I'm leaning toward Dave's thoughts and ideas about saving barrels? It shoots so well I hate to disrupt it? or take a chance on it never shooting like it does currently.

I hope other rail gun enthusiast will join in and help us get this registry thing off the ground, I think it would be good for the Unlimited Rail gun class, as well as being a great place for information.
Thanks Rich
Rail gun ownership and participation really took off out here in the Southwest when we started offering more 5 shot competitions. From personal experience, there is nothing more fun than shooting your rail all weekend at 5 shot targets. Once you have the tune dialed in, it is just you and the wind! 12 of the 25 competitors at the Sniper King were from California and Arizona.

This is a picture of the firing line at a recent rail gun shoot at Visalia.

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When was Skip's Rail built? I seem to remember there were a couple of these being shot quite a few years ago but can't seem to remember who was shooting the other one. Very unique or Iconic design for sure.
Yes, it is Tom's. It was either Skip's or built by Skip for Tom.

Lawrence / Francis

yes this is a Skip Otto rail:

Carolyn and I shot a CZ for years and I finally wanted a rail gun and I liked the set up that Skip had so when
Carolyn and I were at Kelbly's and I went to Skip and asked him to make me a copy of his rail for me. He even went up to Lou's bus and asked him if he thought I was serious. Lou said he asked you didn't he! So Skip made me a rail and it has been the best thing I have done for rail gun shooting. This rail gun has the 100 yard 10 shot record to date .097.

We were back again a few years later and I really wanted for Carolyn to have her own top, but I didn't have the B#% to ask Skip to do this so I sent Carolyn to ask if he would make a top for her, I knew he couldn't tell her know and I was right. Now with two tops, one bottom and an Elephant to move them from bench to bench I am set.

Those that know me and how I can be fussy on how I keep my stuff, questioned my choice as it is not the best looking that was not Skip's thing.

Just to let you know the secret inside the rail was (skip wouldn't tell me) :) and a ton of flutes. I have had to have a new barrel or two chambered over the years I have had it and Mr. Bob Brackney was the one I chose to do the work for me. He indicated that it is a pain in the A-- to do and he said I'm not putting that many flutes on it.

Roy Damron also has a Skip Otto rail and all the ones Skip made Shoot. I think that there is around 5+- of his rails around.
Tom's Otto rail:


Thank you Tom for the story and information, we appreciate you sharing the story behind the rail with us, Very cool.
Thank you Boyd for the pictures, they are great!

This is just one of the reasons I think we need to start a Rail gun registry, if not to understand or get to know the history behind these masterful rigs, maybe it will help inspire someone to carry on this kind of tradition. I personally think more shooters will get involved in this wonderful class if we only unlock the door, we don't have to leave it open, just let them know the Unlimited Class is alive and well.

I really appreciate everyone for your input & comments and look forward to and welcome the discussions yet to come, but with stuff like this how can a true bench rest shooter resist.

Thanks Rich

Lawrence I wanted to post a few pictures of my Rail to see what size they were so maybe I could help answer your question.
? Not sure but my pictures are smaller as well?


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These pictures were uploaded with the pictures actual size?
Not sure Lawrence about getting the pictures any larger, but I'm sure someone will be able to help.


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I have a free \Photobucket account, and I usually upload the full sized files (given that most were taken with a 5MP Canon) When I am in my album on that site, and I open an individual picture, I have a number of links that are available to me for that picture. The one that I used for these pictures is the IMG link. By simply clicking on it, it is automatically copied. At that point, I simply paste it into the forum's post composition frame. After it is posted, the link causes the image to appear in the post, but since its source is the Photobucket server, Benchrest Centrals file size limits do not limit its size. Here is a picture of Gary Ocock's rail. As I compose this post all I see is a couple of lines of text, that are the link that I copied and pasted. Once I click on the "submit reply" button, everyone sees the picture.

Added later: I forgot to mention that I use image editing software on Photobucket to crop and change the image size so that it is a good fit in the forum. When I do this I generally make a copy and keep the original in the album as well. When I first started using a free image hosting site, I experimented by dong test posts, that I deleted once they had served their purpose.