Unlimited Rail Gun Enthusiast ?

Give me a little bit to go on as to what you want to see on the site.

I don't know where to start. But here goes. As a beginner who knows nothing of rails and wouldn't want to buy way out of date technology

Basic design of or a history of rails?

Differences in action mounting methods. Barrel block or action bolted directly which came first ?
If one favored over the other why?
Different styles of tops and bottoms
How much do they vary in total weight?
Sighter cam mechanism. Is it something new? Are there different styles?

Southeast region
Experience with bag gun only
Never shot UL
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Give me a little bit to go on as to what you want to see on the site.


1) Those that respond to site with info, if they could use their real name so we know if they are an active shooter.

2) If possible the region they shoot in.

3) State first who made their rail, themselves or a name of the maker. If possible post a picture so other shooters can understand what the are relating too.

4) Maybe how many UL matches they shoot in their region or travel to shoot the UL


I like the excellent ideas provided by Tim And Tom.

I would add. Start with a short history of the rail gun.(Tim's suggestion) Copy and paste it from an old source if necessary.

A photo gallery would be nice. I bet you could borrow some photos from Turk Takano. I have a few that I took,but I dont know who all the builders are. That's important,as previously mentioned.

Include a Bio of some of the top Rail Gun shooters in the Sport. That,s easy because the same people are some of the top Bag gun shooters in the Country.

If I knew how to build a Rail Gun,I would build it so that I could interchange a HV or LV contour barrel for five shot matches.Switching from a 1.450. It may even work for 10 shot matches in cool climates. I don't know about this Texas Heat. An Adjustable barrel Clamp maybe?

If possible,Try to entice some of the top shooters to personally join the discussion. Ghost writers hearsay is unacceptable. It ends up like like those Rim Fire discussion awhile back.

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Rail Gun Registry Thoughts!

OK Guys and gals I'll play along since I started this post so here goes.

I think the registry should be directed toward Rail Guns first and foremost. History, data, information, and discussion, etc.
I agree everyone should use their real name when they register or become a member, but it should require that from the get go, the reason I say this is I would change my Alias now if the BRC Forum allowed me to due to request from some here and I feel it would be a good idea knowing who you are communicating with, BUT Let me say this! If we continue to ask for real names then guess what someone will ask for your credit score, references, etc, Right it should be public knowledge? Right! Where do you draw the line.

OK. My name is Rich Henderson Alias SWASHBUCKLER1 here on BRC, MY CREDIT SCORE IS 78X, ( how I know this is I'm the Finance / Business Manager for a very successful Auto Dealership and I check my credit score weekly ) I can buy what ever I want when I want, but it is irrelevant to these boards and discussions. So where do we draw the line.

I think the wise idea is to start off with a with simple plan, based on what the objective is: Unlimited Rail Gun information and discussion!

If Wilbur is willing to do this I would be willing to make a small donation of $20.00 to help with the effort to help with the cost of running such a site. This brings me to my next thought! Most registries have a membership of a small $ amount, lets say a years membership would be $15.00 a year. This would help fund the project and help keep things in order.
My first idea was a totally free site, but you could allow access to everyone, but make it a requirement to become a member before posting was accepted? This should satisfy some of you hard core guys here on BRC.

* Now about the content, I think it would be great to have a site, gathering place, or registry for everyone who is interested in the Unlimited Class to have access to such knowledge. I know there is a demand for such a site, information, knowledge and discussion and I personally think it would help grow the class & sport for anyone interested in the Unlimited Rail Gun Class.

This post was not meant to brag, boast or intimidate, just a reminder of what could happen if you elect to single out people as to reveal their real names unless stated from the very beginning. From now on while I'm here on BRC I will try to remember to include my real name as to not offend anyone.
Bench Rest shooters are some of the finest people I've ever met, and very knowledgeable, my only wish is they would welcome every new shooter and remeber at some point and time they were a new shooter as well.

Lets hear your thoughts and help Wilbur get this thing off the ground if there is enough interest.

Thank you

Rich Henderson
OK Guys and gals I'll play along since I started this post so here goes.

I think the registry should be directed toward Rail Guns first and foremost. History, data, information, and discussion, etc.
I agree everyone should use their real name when they register or become a member, but it should require that from the get go, the reason I say this is I would change my Alias now if the BRC Forum allowed me to due to request from some here and I feel it would be a good idea knowing who you are communicating with, BUT Let me say this! If we continue to ask for real names then guess what someone will ask for your credit score, references, etc, Right it should be public knowledge? Right! Where do you draw the line.

OK. My name is Rich Henderson Alias SWASHBUCKLER1 here on BRC, MY CREDIT SCORE IS 78X, ( how I know this is I'm the Finance / Business Manager for a very successful Auto Dealership and I check my credit score weekly ) I can buy what ever I want when I want, but it is irrelevant to these boards and discussions. So where do we draw the line.

I think the wise idea is to start off with a with simple plan, based on what the objective is: Unlimited Rail Gun information and discussion!

If Wilbur is willing to do this I would be willing to make a small donation of $20.00 to help with the effort to help with the cost of running such a site. This brings me to my next thought! Most registries have a membership of a small $ amount, lets say a years membership would be $15.00 a year. This would help fund the project and help keep things in order.
My first idea was a totally free site, but you could allow access to everyone, but make it a requirement to become a member before posting was accepted? This should satisfy some of you hard core guys here on BRC.

* Now about the content, I think it would be great to have a site, gathering place, or registry for everyone who is interested in the Unlimited Class to have access to such knowledge. I know there is a demand for such a site, information, knowledge and discussion and I personally think it would help grow the class & sport for anyone interested in the Unlimited Rail Gun Class.

This post was not meant to brag, boast or intimidate, just a reminder of what could happen if you elect to single out people as to reveal their real names unless stated from the very beginning. From now on while I'm here on BRC I will try to remember to include my real name as to not offend anyone.
Bench Rest shooters are some of the finest people I've ever met, and very knowledgeable, my only wish is they would welcome every new shooter and remeber at some point and time they were a new shooter as well.

Lets hear your thoughts and help Wilbur get this thing off the ground if there is enough interest.

Thank you

Rich Henderson

Rich, I believe you missed the part of being an active shooter. I see you are in the eastern region have you shot any matches? I have never met you at a match.
OK You guys are something else.
Yes I have shot in several matches, just getting back into benchrest from a 10 year layoff, been away racing with my kids, I guess I'm gonna have to start asking for credit scores? Just to see if your comments are worth replying to, this is the kind of stuff your presenting! This is crazy.
I did not miss the point at all, you guys are. Who the heck cares, it's this kind of mentality that keeps chasing people away from this sport, you are gonna have to lighten up and welcome new comers or the sport will never grow.
gfpd by the way have you met Everyone at a match, this is rediculous! Who do you think you are? And since we are on the subject, quit hiding behind YOUR Alias, and give us your name.


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Read this carefully!
The mentality you are displaying and the sarcasm of your comments are a slippery slope, example!
1. Are you an active shooter? Your reply hehe! I didn't meet you at a match.
Mine Who cares, If they are interested in bench rest that's why they are here and we should welcome them as much as anyone else.
Next possible scenario
2. Have you won any matches? Won any HOF Points, in the HOF. Oh do you have a credit score over 730, because if you don't your not worthy of posting here.?

Are you kidding me!

Is this the attitude we want to display toward fellow bench rest shooters and new comers.
Not me and I think this kind of stuff is what is ruining the sport. I ask you to change your tone and be a better example of what bench rest is all about and welcome all new comers, we need as many new shooters as we can get.
Powell, owned one year. Shot NBRSA last year, did not preform very well, still learning. Came with barrel, do not know anything about it, need new barrel. Will shoot at St. Loius as is.
Bill Greene aka Trout
Powell, owned one year. Shot NBRSA last year, did not preform very well, still learning. Came with barrel, do not know anything about it, need new barrel. Will shoot at St. Loius as is.
Bill Greene aka Trout

Bill, you going to shoot it at UNAKA? I'd like to check it out.
I believe there is a Powell platform in the classifieds that seems like a good buy
It's going to be a 5 shot UL.
I guess I'll just shoot my bag gun again this year
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Generally, those that participate in sports are too busy to write stories and take pictures of the sports that they participate in. That is why sports writers and photographers exist.

If you only allow input from those who have and regularly compete with a rail gun, I predict that the flow of words and pictures (for a registry) will never be much more than a trickle. Don't get me wrong. I would love to be proven wrong about this.

In the new age of the internet, it seems that there is so much information to be had for free, that website owners are lothe to spend anything for articles. Back in the day when Precision Shooting was still in business, one could at least defray some of ones costs by being paid a small amount for articles that were published. Since it folded, that has gone away.

IMO taking the effort to start a new project should start with a realistic appraisal of the likelihood of its success. Personally, based on what I have seen in the past, I don't think this will happen, but as I said, I would really like to be proven wrong on this.
I have an RFD rail with a bat top port. Last match i shot it in was the 100yd se regional 2014 which i won the UL class in that one. The time before that was fall 2009 rachels glen which i won the UL class and the 4gun. The time before that was the spring rachels glen 2009 which i won the UL class in as well. I love shooting my rail gun and wish i could shoot it more. Seems like the only matches i can get away for do not have it. I hope to shoot in the nbrsa nats in st louis coming up. If i do come visit me and my railgun baby
Rail guns are my favorites. I've made several and still have 2. It seems over the years, the amount of matches to shoot the big guns has decreased. When talking to match directors, the consensus seems to be that attendance goes down when the rails come out, even when the class is separate from the bag guns. I went to Kansas City 2 weeks ago for the UL match. The next Sunday, Oakhills also had one. It doesn't get much better than that for me! I plan on shooting the Nat's at St. Louis, if it works out. I would try and add what I could to a Rail Gun site.

Jim Carstensen
JLC Precision
Slim chance of Success?????

IMO taking the effort to start a new project should start with a realistic appraisal of the likelihood of its success. Personally, based on what I have seen in the past, I don't think this will happen, but as I said, I would really like to be proven wrong on this.

What would encompass a realistic appraisal of the likelihood of the success of a Website dedicated to the unlimited Class? The Site owner is asking for ideas about website content ,because some of us would like to see such a website.
A quite accommodating gesture, in my opinion. Some would call it an exploration of possibility. Nothing ventured,nothing gained.

As a Rail Gun owner,I’ve got a few questions/observations I’d like to post on the “Rail Gun” Website.

Maybe a good first step would be a dedicated "Unlimited" forum right here at BRC. There could be a sticky thread, always at the top, for folks to tell about their setup.

It would be great if it included cruiser rifles, too, since that's where it all started.

I don't have an unlimited gun, but I'm really fascinated by them. So maybe some day.

Jerry Wick

Seymour,Tx is like an archaeological dig site,(Hypothetically speaking)when it comes to Rail Gun designs. Texas would be a good place to start a Rail Gun research project.

There may be other locations/Regions in the US that are good dig sites for Rail Gun,memorabilia,Design concepts,etc. I have personally witnessed what we have here in Texas.

I say, explore the possibility of putting up the site. It would be interesting just to see what shows up.

Scopes arent near as important on a railgun as they are on a lv gun. No recoil and your gun does all the repeating