Unertl 12x

K Hope

Thinking of taking this off the Win 52 and installing something more modern. Any idea of value. Fixed power, external adjustments, rings with spring and real long. Thanks

check ebay

Thinking of taking this off the Win 52 and installing something more modern. Any idea of value. Fixed power, external adjustments, rings with spring and real long. Thanks


depends a lot on condition of metal and glass, all covers present, no dents or dings, etc. etc. etc.
What is the diameter of the objective lens? The big 2 inch Unertls bring $750 and up if in excellent condition. I suspect you had a smaller one on your M52.
Thank you Gentlemen

Interesting scope with quality optics; I’ll have to keep watching. It is a 2in with all the parts, no dents but, a few scratches. It’s just something I can’t get used to.

