Twisting the 257 Roberts


Ben Hooper
I just got a 257 Roberts reamer, now looking for a barrel, but I'm not sure on a twist rate.

Was thinking about 10 twist for 90 grains, but would also like to shoot the 100's, any 25 cal experience here is appreciated.
A 10-twist will shoot the 110-grain use-to-be-Fowlers just fine. I think Dave Tooley & Jeff Summers have those dies now, dunno if they are going to make bullets for sale.

I shot these 110s at 1,000 yards with a 25/06, 10-twist. Worked just fine.

Randy Robinett has new .25 dies, and will probably make bullets for sale. Believe he can make a 110-flatbase now, & in a while will have his boattail dies from Neimi.

Bettter check, but I also think Berger's 105(?) also will work with a 10-twist.

For some reason, the .25 J-4 jackets are thicker than J-4s of other calibers; just the ticket for those who want to play around on the edge.
I have .25's in both 12" and 10" twist and found the 12" is sufficent up to 100gr. The 10" will be required for any bullet weight above 100gr.
The 10" twist is more versitile ,depending on what bullet you choose to have your barrel throated for. I would select the 10" and never look back !
I have .25's in both 12" and 10" twist and found the 12" is sufficent up to 100gr. The 10" will be required for any bullet weight above 100gr.
The 10" twist is more versitile ,depending on what bullet you choose to have your barrel throated for. I would select the 10" and never look back !

Thanks Speedpro, I just ordered a Shilen 10 twist barrel to put on a friends 700. He really wanted the 257 Roberts, and I was a little confused about the information out there on the .257 twists. Here is a chart i found on the subject, that conflicts with a lot of personal experiences I've had, and got from people like yourself.
The 10" twist will work well. I'd also suggest trying the Berger 115 VLD's. Had good luck with them at 600 and 1000 yds. in both 250 Sav AI and 257 Rob. AI
I have barreled several 257 Roberts jobs with 1 in 10 twist. I have personally shot bullets ranging from 87 grains to 120 grains from them, and all shot fine. My favorite game load is a 100 grain Nosler Partition. It shoots surprisingly well in all my Roberts guns.

My current .257 Roberts Ackley Improved was built on a 1:10" twist Gary Schneider barrel, it shoots everything from 75 to 120 grain just fine, nothing over .5" (providing I'm not hungover, the wind isn't blowing a gale, and the guy on the bench next to me isn't bouncing hot .223 brass off my head with a semi-auto). :D

It would seem 10" twist is the way to go! But buy a premium barrel for best results - all the vendors listed here are good.
I would agree with most suggesting 10 twist as the best compromise. A few years back I did some paper punching at 800 yards with 120 gr bullets and it appeared to me that they were beginning to destabilize a bit.

Many feel the standard Roberts chamber is limited by the 2 3/4" OAL and the tight magazine length when using heavier bullets. I had mine throated 1/4" to accept 3" oal cases. My old friend happens to be a M-70 and uses a std. length action. Pretty easy to extend the mag by removing block and bolt stop and then using 06 follower. All's good.

Not sure what action you're using, or if you will be using it as a repeater, but throating might be worth considering... Mine is a hunting rifle and I've never used anything less than 100 gr, but it really made a different cartridge out of it for me.