Turbo misfire issue


My Turbo MK 1 Sporter has started to misfire, actually denting the rim without igniting the shot. If I turn the round and re-chamber it, it will fire. This happens about 3 times in 30 rounds. Is this an indication of the firing pin spring weakening? Or is there some other issue? I'll appreciate any experiences and advice.

Who has Turbo replacement firing pin springs?

I really enjoy and appreciate the wisdom on this forum! Thank you all!

You need a new spring. I have a 10+ year old Turbo Mk1 and intially had to replace the spring every couple of years either due to misfires or erratic shooting due to ignition problems. Flash's original springs weren't hardened/tempered and just don't last long. Jim Pepper was selling a better spring and I'm sure Bill Hinegardner can get you one of the better springs as well. Since I've installed Pepper's springs they have performed well over lots and lots of rounds. It solves the problem.
Turbo Bolt Cleaning

For those of you who don't want to take your bolt apart often, simply flush the bolt with lighter fluid, I recommend front to rear. The sticky lubricant will be washed out and the lighter fluid is said to provide a bit of lubrication. ( Also recommended for trigger bathing)
