Turbo bolt w/Hall firing pin

My Experiences.

I have owned two Turbo rifles, one a Flash original that was a killer rifle. I sold it because every time I took it to the bench my first thought was "oh darn I have to load this thing 40 times". I have big, arthritic fingers and loading it was a PITA.

I bought one of the very first DiOrio turbo rifles (completely built by DiOrio). It too was a killer rifle. I shot very well with it. Loading was not an issue. Taking the bolt apart after every match to clean the crud out and changing the spring about every month was more than I could tolerate. It was built to very close tolerances. Smooth is not a word I would use. Kind of like dragging 400 grit sandpaper over hardwood.

I am now shooting a pair of Stiller 2500x actions. One is from the first shipment of about 100 and is now almost a year old. My back up is about 3 or 4 months old at this point. I have yet to take either bolt apart much less change anything. Each has its own personality. The first one has a cone breech and loads like a dream. Drop the bullet in the tray and close the bolt. Smooth! My back up has extractor cuts and I need to push the bullet in the hole to avoid any issues. Not a big deal and I can get my finger in there easily to do it. Both have B&A triggers, straight line stocks albeit in slightly different configurations. I have no plans or dreams to replace either, not at this point in time anyway.

I have two Hall rifles, both started out as sporters and one still is. They are in my "play" stable along with a really nice 37. The Hall actions go bang every time. I have never owned an action as smooth to load and shoot as the Hall. Smooth as silk, no question there. The Hall action is a joy to shoot. The 37 was built in 1939 and I see no evidence of the bolt ever being taken apart. It too goes bang every time. bob
I shoot a flash turbo in sporter been shooting it for 3 years, haven't changed the spring yet, still shoots great.
Been shooting a Suhl for 5 years had to change the spring this past year because it fell off at the crawfish.
Full disclosure, I am planning to shoot ARA this next year and if I do shoot IR I will change the FP spring on my Sporter for the first time, If you take care of it and make sure you keep it clean of grease and decock it every time you are done there is absolutely no problem with the turbo firing pin spring, I just don't believe mine is the exception.
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Mike, it's very likely your sporter has one of Pepper's tempered springs in it. They tend to last longer before giving up the ghost; but they all give it up, eventually. Oh, and I always decock the bolt too.
Mike, it's very likely your sporter has one of Pepper's tempered springs in it. They tend to last longer before giving up the ghost; but they all give it up, eventually. Oh, and I always decock the bolt too.

No it has a original spring (I guess) because it is chrome colored.I will put a Pepper spring in it when I change it.