Tuner add- on weights



For those of us still using the "Hoehn 4000" tuners, without provision for add-on weights, a simple way to try some additional weight can be found at your local muffler shop. In their scrap pile you can find some new 1.75 in. ID tailpipe material which just happens to slip over these tuners. ( you may have to grind the seam a bit). The stuff weighs about 2 oz. per inch. By cutting off several pieces at differant lengths one can test for the best add-on, (if needed at all). Btw,drill and tap for a set screw to keep the sleeve from slipping. Bob
Not only am I cheap, but part of the enjoyment of this sport,(for me), is the tinkering end of things. When something works it's great, when it doesn't -oh well --still fun to do. Have recently been adding weights, in large increments, up to over 21/2 lb. , just to see what happens. Now will change in smaller chunks based on what I have found, hence the sleeve bit described.
smoke, the threading came from a fellow shooter, this past saturday we were shooting indoors and he realized that what the set-up for tuning wise at 50 yards was no good at 20 yards. and the easiest and quickest remedy was to re-tune either adding or subtracting and the only easy way now is with the screw in weights. sometimes cheapest and most efficent aren't the same.
old sidewinder, I have a feeling that barrel Jim put on your rifle is the one to beat at anderson creek.
Mr. Hammond, I do hope that you meant 200 yds.,rather than 20 - that's "one exact hole "range. Now, at 200, we can address something meaningful. Please clarify.
DSCN0930.jpg smoke there's the target, 20 yards shot with a kimber 82g no tuner. if you think it's easy try it, alls fine untill the furnace kicks on or a draft drifts the bullet. .050 miss ruins any chance of winning. similar to a pop bottle cap shoot. in scoring an x no amount of black on the 10 ring can show. several of the shooters have rifles set up specificly for these shoots. a couple of the shooters said they had 3 shoots this week.
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martin hammond,

I see that you're from PA. In your post you mentioned shooting Pop Bottle Caps. So, my question to you is: are you part of the group that shoots milk bottle caps?

Several years ago I was in contact with a fellow from PA who shot those. In fact, he sent me an entire set-up for joining in if I could put together a group. At the time there was little to no interest up here, but lately a group of us who shoot Airguns Indoors year round have been looking for other venues to try, and some were more than intrigued with the idea of trying the Milk Bottle Cap Shoots.

Let me know as I'm now in the search for a supplier of the old-style paper milk bottle caps. As I remember, the fellow I talked with said they were getting theirs out of Canada at the time.


Dave Shattuck
Dave, that was my first shoot at that distance and indoors. from talking to the other shooters there were 13 shooters there that day,it sounded as the shoots went on all winter at multiple locations. that shoot was at fort hand by Appolo pa. there were 3 relays and most used custom rifles and scopes to 45x with mirage tubes. some had one pc. rests and several rifles had holes drilled into the stocks for legs. I think several of the guys used a specific rifle for these type of shoots. maybe Tomc can help you with the caps that's where I got a few.
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i just read this dave, last i heard the guy in canada had sold his stamping
machine for scrap. everyone was trying to find someone else who might
supply them. last i heard they thought they had found a new supply i'll
try to find out and get back to you. i met a guy last summer who makes
the scoring device i think for 100 without the micrometer and he said
some of them use 10 ga.shotgun wads and his guage scored on the edge of those. i'll check and let you know.
old sidewinder, now you know, how I knew, to pull the tuner off my lowly cmp 82g against all those custom rifles.:D
martin and TomC,

Thanks for the reply, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Being an X Printer I know that it would be out of the question for me to just have a small quantity die cut so am looking to hook up with others to help share the expense. The fellow I had been in contact with years ago was from Blausville. I should probably try to give him a call again, that is if he's still around.

Thanks again,

martin and TomC,

Thanks for the reply, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Being an X Printer I know that it would be out of the question for me to just have a small quantity die cut so am looking to hook up with others to help share the expense. The fellow I had been in contact with years ago was from Blausville. I should probably try to give him a call again, that is if he's still around.

Thanks again,


Dave, I believe the town would be Blairsville
Well, that's what I thought by looking at one of the pictures I was sent where it had a picture of the Blairsville Sportsmans Club. But, when I was looking at some of the other stuff I was sent the town of Blausville was written very clearly. What can I say?

Captain Ahab, are you one of the Bottle Cap shooters at Blairsville? Man, what a set-up. I only wish I had the pictures that were sent in Digital cause a lot of the hot-shot shooters on this forum simply wouldn't believe their eyes. When they're talk about shooting off of benches, they're not talking about the super luxury models like what immediately comes to our minds when we hear the word benches. Unless things have changed over the years, these guys are literally shooting off of benches, you know, like the kind you sit on around a picnic table, only higher.

And, how many of the guns they use are home-brewed one-holers? I think the first requirement to qualify for shooting with these guys is to own a fairly well equipped machine shop.

Thanks for the come back,

I'm not a bottle cap shooter, but I knew a few folks who pursued that sport. They also shoot at Laughlinstown, which is just outside of Ligonier on Route 30. My rimfire gunsmith does some of that type of shooting and I'll inquire about where they obtain their targets. :)
Crown Cork & Seal

These are the people that made the paper caps for the Milk I delivered in the 50's
sorry i haven't found out anything yet dave, been kinda busy getting ready
for deer season here, starts monday. i'm goin' to the range tomorrow so i'll
check on things, they've started shooting a match using a modified ir 5050
target at fort hand near apollo pa. jim peightal is running it i believe, it's
being shot at 60' i think that's all the room they have, marty posted some
targets he shot last week. alot of 250's shot number of x's determine the
winner usually. you have to shoot and if you take out the 10ring entirely i think
to get an x. touching it is just a 10. i would probably like that better because
you shoot 25 shots a target, where bottle cap you shoot one shot then everyone else shoots then you shoot again for maybe 13 or more times.
easier on the ammo but takes a while to score. later tom.