Tony Boyer

Andy Shifflett

New member
Yesterday TB was admitted to the hospital in Vegas for severe back pain. As of this morning they havent found anything seriously wrong. It appears he has damaged the muscles in his back. At this point they are unable to say excately when he will be released. Faye is staying with him at the hospital and Wayne has been checking on him also. When i know more i will keep you posted.

I just spoke to Wayne, Tony is still in alot of pain but they cant seem to find anythin wrong. They are going to give him some strong pain meds and release him this evening, the way it looks now he is going to try to fly home tomorrow.

Kidney stones

I had a kidney stone a few years back,same thing they could not find
any reason for the back pain. 2nd day in he hospital they sent me home 2 hours later bangooooo
past that dood half way out :eek: no more back pain.
hope he gets better.
I had a Kidney Stone 20 years ago that was no fun. And, a herniated disk about 10 years ago that hurt like heck. A good CT scan should pinpoint the problem. I had one done a week ago and as a result will have a second stone removed via outpatient surgery next Tuesday. Thank God for modern medicine. :)
If they can't find it with a MRI, Jim might be on to something. Hope Tony gets well soon. Thanks for keeping us updated Andy.

Kevin Hovis

I hope both Tony & Butch come out ok with their problems. There comes a point where any relief is a good thing.

I had a kidney stone last year. They're noooo problem to diagnose. Show up on a CT scan clear as day. Thank the Lord mine passed in only 4.5 hours...
I will go under the knife next Tuesday for a herniated disc. I really understand the pain.


Good luck with your surgery. It shouldn't be that big of deal. Just take it low and slow for awhile.

My dad had one in his back. Post Op he felt like a new man and was up and walking within a few hours.

The Wife had one. Her recovery was a bit longer, but she gets up and runs 3-4 miles every morning. She's basically good as new.

I had a herniated disc in my neck removed in July 09, with a bone graft and a steel plate added. Easiest surgery I've ever had. Was up and at em' the day of the surgery. Had a few bad days since, but I'm a damn sight better than I was before.

My understanding is that nerves have a memories, so it may continue to hurt for a while despite the fact that the pressure on it is gone. So don't get frusturated. It may take some time, but it will work out.

But those bugger's do hurt...

My neck has been done 3 times and I have 2 plates there. I have two rods in my lower back. This time it is between T1andT2. So maybe the 5th surgery will be the easiest. Thanks for the support guys.
wish both of you well

look to see you at some shoots this summer butch, do not disappoint me, or else


My neck has been done 3 times and I have 2 plates there. I have two rods in my lower back. This time it is between T1andT2. So maybe the 5th surgery will be the easiest. Thanks for the support guys.

I wish you well my friend. I'll keep you in my prayers...... Vic