Tomball Heavy Varmint & 2-Gun Results


Gary Walters

We had fog this morning until about 9:30 or so. This delayed the start of the match, so we finished a bit late. Winds and temps were about the same as yesterday.

Heavy Varmint 100 yards

1. Nick Marino .1972
2. Gene Bukys .2080
3. Vic Smith .2172
4. Charles Huckeba .2282
5. Gary Walters .2330

Small Group

Nick Marino .093

Heavy Varmint 200 yards

1. Gene Bukys .3159
2. Bob Estes .3596
3. John Horn .3647
4. Leon Gass .3697
5. Russell Mathews .3707

Small Group

David Robinson .313

Heavy Varmint Grand

1. Gene Bukys .2619
2. Nick Marino 2918
3. Russell Mathews .3045
4. Vic Smith .3063
5. John Horn .3083

Two Gun

1. Gene Bukys .2892
2. John Horn .3311
3. Bob Estes .3353
4. Charles Huckeba .3434
5. Jackie Schmidt .3531

The Winners


Ken Starr/Stat House Expert


We had 43 shooters today. The Tomball Gun Club really appreciated the great turnout today. Thanks to everyone who helped make the match possible. I am really tired and now we must prepare for the "Crawfish" match scheduled for April of this year. The Boy Scouts cooked some really good food.

Dr. Tim won a special trophy. I will let him tell you the details.



You did an outstanding job in your first effort as our Registered Match Director. Many of us know the hours that you, Glenn Oaks, and John Jones put in to get everything in order.

As for the shooting, Tomball remains one of the toughest Ranges to shoot in the Country. The majority of the shooters are metally drained after the week end, mainly from the constant worry about missing just a little change that can result in a big disaster on the target.

I have to commend my good Friend Gene Bukys on some outstanding shooting. He was one of the few shooters who stayed at the top at every yardage, and showed the consistancy that is instrumental in the making of a great shooter.

We had a entire gaggle of Scouts on the Target Crew. They worked their tails off insuring that things down range worked right. The Tomball Gun Club feels it is a privelege to employ these scouts, we do give the majority of match procedes to toward their efforts. It is money well earned by each scout who comes out.

Now, if we could just do something about the horredous conditions that seem to permiate the Tomball Landscape..........jackie
To the victors

Congrats to the victors and all shooters who shot over the weekend
Sounds like with the amount of shooters it was a good start to the season.
Looks and sounds like the match was called and run very well.
From the picture of the winners it looked the the range was also in pretty good shape.
Not used to seeing Gene with the beard and Dr.Tim had a pretty big smile on his face. I thought maybe somebody might have snuck up behind him and gave him a little goose
Congrats to you for aquiring that stack of wood in your arms. Great shooting.

Gary, you guys are to be commended on your efforts toward the match and it looks like you shoot pretty good to.
Keep um small
A spring in my step and air in my head

Lets see, there has been in my BR career one 4 shot group, two crossfirings one 5 shot group after a cease fire (in Italian) now disqualified for taking a stroll down range with a spring in my step and air in my head during a target change. Screwing up in front of 25 shooters teaches one a lesson not unlike the sensation of being dunked in feces. This led to the awarding, by unanimous acclaim, to me, of the train wreak award. It is a very handsome trophy of a gold colored toilet with the lid up and train wreak award written on the inside of the lid. The front of the base has a plaque that reads Tomball gun club. Here is the spooky part: It had the exact date I D/Q ed myself though it was made prior to the match. Gary Walters then awarded me a really nice Case pocket knife that he had sharpened razor sharp. I asked him what it was for. "To slit your throat." he replied. " I sharpened it so you won't even feel it. That's what friends are for." The crowning touch was when Jackie Schmidt grabbed the microphone and introduced me to the boy scouts and shooters as a member of the US world team and I think he said something about being a top ranked benchrest shooter. I turned around and faced all the boy scouts, their counselors the shooters, their spouses and relatives. Clutched in my left hand was the train wreak award. They all started applauding. It was a special moment in my life and I want to sincerely thank all, including myself, who made it possible. Yes, I made sure to check the inside of the award's toilet bowl just in case. Tim
Train Wreck

You mean that Gary forgot to include a small roll of 2-ply with that ???
Doc Tim

While I was "teaching" the class on Benchrest to the group of Boy Scouts, I mentioned to them that we had several National Champions and two members of the World Benchrest Team attending our match. They seemed thoroughly impressed.

I would like to believe that you and Gene are just not representing the USA, The Gulf Coast Region, but also Texas, and finally, the Tomball Gun Club.

See you at Denton...........jackie
Flushed with pride at your kind words

Thank you, Jackie & Glen for your kind words. Jackie, I will try to shoot well in S. Africa. Representing all those entities is a tall order but I give it my all for God, Country and Tomball. Glen, The formal medical term for what I was struck with was "the vapors". As far as I know it cannot be cured but the symptoms can be controlled. I have decided to outfit myself with a dog shock collar and an invisible fence in front of the bench. Dickie Pustejovsky my BR buddy has made several, what he considers hilarious, suggestions for the anatomical location of the shocking device. Speaking of Dickie he made the ride home 40 miles of white line agony. He tried to be consoling but would burst out spontaneously in gleeful laughter. He said things like "Oltersdorf,you will do anything for a trophy, anything." and "Boy, I can't wait until Donna gets a look at this." pointing at the train wreak award. He had won the same award at the same match himself several years back and he was ecstatic that I had fallen victim to it. In Psychiatry this is called transference perhaps best explained by the old song lyric: You took a load off and you put the load right on me. Speaking of loads I better check that award again just to be double sure. Tim

You were really a "Good Sport" about the award. I admire you for taking it so well. I have something in mind for the Crawfish Match as well. It will be a surprise. Hope I don't win it.


Are the complete results posted anywhere on the web?

If I have your e-mail address, I will forward the complete results to you.

GW (
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My first match

Thanks to everyone who helped make the match possible, it was my first real MBRSA benchrest match, I really enjoyed it, can't wait for the crawfish.
Thanks again to the Tomball Bunch.
You Did Great Geramo

I am happy to say that two of my long time shooting friends, Geramo Villareal and Ed Bernabeo, took the plung and shot their first Registered NBRSA Match last week end.

These two are true Riflemen, between them, they own countless Rifles for just about every occasion.

Both men have been active in our Tomball Club Match program, and took the step this Winter to put together two fine 6PPC's, with a little help from their friends.

While both Ed and Geramo had your typical "first match" jitters, both shot some nice groups and can be proud of their effort.

I think both are hooked.

All in all, I think we are having a great time down here in The Gulf Coast Region........jackie
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Nice Groups???????

Guillermo's (Geramo) first group in a registered match was a screaming .139!!!! :eek: On his third target he shot another .198 finishing tenth in H/V 100 with a .260 agg. :D

My buddy Ed Bernabeo also scored a fine .173 in his first match.:)

Russell Mathews also had a great day finishing 3rd in the H/V with a .305 Grand Agg! ;)

Way to go guys.....
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Hey Vic

I'm down in Corpus on a job, sitting in my suite at the Raddison, reading on my laptop. Just finished a nice broiled sea food platter from Room Service.

Man, this working out of town is a real B-tch.

From my 6th floor balconey, I have a good view of all the beach bunnys, doing what beach bunnys do.

I hope to get back Friday, would love to spend the entire week end at Tomball, seeing if we finally got a handle on this darned '07.

My last four groups at 200 Sunday indicates that I might, but I still don't feel that comfortable.

See you this week end.........jackie
Hey Champ

I am planning on being at "Fort Tomball" both days. We have got to sharpen up a bit before we head to Denton....... :)

In regards to O7 "less is more" ;)