To stand or to sit that is the question

Well Wilbur, to make it "Benchrest", Marilyn and I will be arriving at Seymour around Friday noon.

But, we bring our bathroom with us.
update: that would be "keys to neutral gender room ". Look at it this way- saves a bunch of extra construction costs.;)
Heard that Bruce, I mean Caitlyn is going to have a nude photo on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Thought the purpose of publishing a magazine was to sell magazines. Really don't think another cover with Caitlyn would help sell any magazines. More than likely have the opposite effect.
Let them fix pot holes.

This is the best example of a red herring that I have ever seen. I am sure that teachers and principals all over our country, even the world, have handeled this problem without the help of the federal or state governments. There must be other less personal problems for Governmental action.
I bet in all of the countries architecture schools they are working on a solution that may include an individual stall, with sink and toilet and a locking door with no gender sign on the door. We will all pay for this in the future.
AND, if we keep SITTING on our butts like we have for the last 30 years we will sho' 'nuff pay!

In the last 30 years we have SIT by and let prayers be taken from the schools WE paid for and SIT while the ACLU took the 10 Commandments off the walls WE paid for, yes WE WILL PAY!

Watch out for what?

I have just come back from Seymour and am proud to report that Seymour is ahead of the bathroom wars curve. There are no signs on the doors to the two single toilet rooms each with a lock. Any human of any stripe can use them. Apparently so can different species. As I was stepping foot into the bathroom John Horn called out " Look around in there. Watch out for snakes." Tim
I must be honest. There was a time after surgery I had to sit because the Doctor told me not lift over 20 pounds!
A return to the 1 hole out-house cures all this (no room for more than 1 person)...Do you think Obama's gonna let his wife/ girls go into a public bathroom without the SS clearing it first...I bet not....