Tips on converting to 1-piece


New member
Picked up a Pappas and anyone have any tips on
the changes to style of shooting vs. off a 2 piece set-up?
Even little things??
Thank you.
We bought a Pappas rest a few months ago and our scores went up a few points. We use the free recoil method as it's the most repeatable for us. When we travel we like to go verticle throughout the target. The elevation knob seems a bit sensitive so we keen it in the last part of it's travel, seems to tighten things up a bit. The more we use it the better it gets. Were going to go after one of there wood tops next, a popular option here. We have also switched the windage knob over to the rt. side to get it out of our chest, and pull the trigger with our left hand.
I'll give the vertical run a try - sounds right in line.
Didn't even think of switching the windage knob - excellent advice!!
I'm using the wood top and so far so good.
Was hoping for a bigger bump but I must have been better than I thought
off my 2 piece set-up.
Really hard to stop reaching for my old speed knob and windage set-up:rolleyes:
Thank you very much
I shoot mine R to L drop down l to r and zigzag my way through.
To me it is easier to shoot that way.
Changed my windage then when back the way it came, had trouble finding the knob on the right side.
Happy shooting with your new toy.
I have one I have been toating around for about a year. I used it for a few matches. The first match I used it at was very windy and I ran out of time with 2 bulls left to shoot. My fault because I have used a Farley Front Rest since they first came out and I can't seem to get use to not quickly get at the sighter, or as I sometimes say, twiddling knobs. The new 50/50 targets should help that though. I wasn't able to shoot higher scores back when I tried it but may try it again sometime when the wind is down some, if that ever happens up here :(. I would like to try a Joy Stick top on mine to see if that might help me. It's a big cost for an experiment, however.
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