tightning a group



well at the range today and group was @ 2"-3".what would the fastest way to shrink this group.
30-06 sako
win. brass
150gr.barnes XLC
fed 215 primer
54gr. win760
Sell that rifle and

have a proper rifle built; custom action. match grade barrel, good quality stock with either a bedding block or pillars. 308's seem to be inherently accurate; that might be a good choice or a 284 Winchester. I have had great results usning Nozzler Ballistic Tiped bullets in 7 MM rifles. I suspect the tree o aits would follow suit. OOOOOOOOOR, a Savage Weather Worrior in either 7 mm o ait or tree o ait. Both should give you smaller ones. Ott sixes, well, they are ok for folks who shoot at trash can covers but probably ain't gonna give ya small ones.
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If you really want to shoot Barnes X bullets switch to TSX's. Second thing I would do is switch to non-magnum primers and H-4350 powder. You may find a good load with the 760 but it is very temperature sensative.

I have an Encore 30-06, completely different critter, but try going to a 165 grain bullet. Could be the twist, my rifle will not shoot 150's but 165's and heavier are fine for hunting accuracy
How are you resting your rifle (block of wood, bags, adjustable front rest, bipod, etc.)?

Have someone check your technique, especially follow through.

What power scope are you using?

Have you tried using a reloading manual "most accurate load" combination of bullet, powder and charge weight? Always refer to bullet mfg. manuals, not powder mfg manuals, e.g. use Sierra, Hornady, Nosler, not Hodgen, Accurate , etc.

Unless the barrel is bent, any rifle should group inside 2 MOA from a decent rest and using one of the bullet makers loading recommendations.

Just my opinion, but based on some experience and facts.
How far are you off the lands. Barnes says .05 to start. They really like to jump. My guns hated every one of the Xs and XLCs. IMHO Chism is spot on. TSXs are a different animal but very spendy. I would throw a 165gr B-tip or Accubond later prefered with the same combo of powder primer brass. Work up to max kissing the lands then move your seating depth .005 at a time until you find a home. Barrel wont foul as bad either.

edited to add use H or IMR 4350
First thing I'd do was check all screws for proper tightness: Stock, rings and bases.

Next, I'd check the barrel for proper clearance or contact with the stock.

Then I would try several different types of factory ammunition in the gun, making sure to use proper technique and rest for the gun.

I'd be willing to bet you will be able to reduce the group size substantually. If not, it might be time to see a gun smith.
Had the same problems shooting barnes bullets in a 25-06.It took awhile to get it to shoot them but ended up seating the bullets 5 thousands of the lands,an another thing play with your powder charge until you get the lowest spread in vol then you'll have something to work with.Right now im loading for 3 30-06's with 165 nosler balistic tips an IMR 4064 an they will all shoot 1" or better
The "fastest" way to shrink the group might be to lighten up the load incrementally and shoot five rounds of each new load (perhaps half grain differences between each set) and see how that affects your grouping. The other recommendations here are all very good but few meet your criteria for "fastest", except perhaps for checking mounting screw torque.
What's the distance you're shooting at to the 2 - 3 inch groups? What are the wind conditions?
Assuming you've checked the rifle and scope's screws for snugness and are shooting from a steady table and rest try 57grs of 4350 behind a good standard 165gr bullet. Use a standard primer and make the overall length about what a store bought cartridge is or what your magazine will allow. To begin with, never mind the "tricks" or short cuts. You need a baseline.
A lot of rifles will not shoot certain bullets well. Especially specialty bullets.
I would suggest finding a good load using standard components and seeing if you can find one of the specialty bullets that your rifle likes if that's what you want to shoot.