Thunder Valley



Shot my 1st 1000 yrd. match today at Thunder Valley. WOW that was fun !!!
I did good i thought for my 1st time and in very gusty winds.
I want to say THANK YOU to all that helped me and gave me pointers. I would name names but i'm bad at remerbering them.
I do want to thank Mr Bragg who spotted for me (only name i can recall i'm an old fart).

Dick The Shooter
Dick Lawrence
O ya i am going back sunday for the 6oo yrd match

It was pleasure having you here shooting with us. Some of the most ODD wind gusts/changes I've ever seen here at TVP EVER! One second wind was left to right turning coming toward us them back to right to left. Even the 208's at 3300 fps where moving around!!
Anyway your daughter is good to go and is a blessing to our shooting sports just waiting to happen, VERY sharp mind and I know you are proud.

Team Kelbly and Bond had a great time as Mr. George Kelbly walked away with some wood! He's admited today to being hooked and very much enjoying this "new" to him long range stuff after shooting 1000 and 600 yards back to back this weekend and winning. He was shooting a 6.5x47 with a Berger 140 at 2900 fps.
Our new website girl will have details posted here shortly.

Shot my first 1000yd. Saturday also........boy I'am hooked.:D Tom you have one out standing place. It's going to be a very long wait until May 2. Can hardly wait to get back-up there. Met really good people and found a excellent place to shoot..........Gary
Ya What Gary said.
I learned a lot from a great group of people. Next month i will do better
Thunder Valley is a great place to shoot.
Thanks to Tom & all his crew
Dick The Shooter
Welcome to the madness and obsession of shooting at 1000 yards.

Guess we can just call you OLD DICK.
