Thoughts on Benchrest Competition

Thoughts on Benchrest competition

Your rifle Lets talk about it.
Is that 1/2 inch out side to out side on your groups? We measure center to center.
Maybe you could fit into score shooting
In 1985 ORSA, (Ontario Rifle Shooters Assoc.) went to a Factory Class, a Custom Class, (modified Factory), and Bench Rest Class. The Factory was very open, You could bed, crown, working safety, and any scope, but the weight had to be within a 1/4 lb of advertised weight, plus scope, and no trick chamber. Custom Class, if you broke any of the above rules, that's where you went. It was easy for the range and referees to check and it did not hold the shooters back. 1st year we had about 10 Factory, 10 Custom and 10 Bench Rest. 2nd year, 1 Factory, 1 Custom and 25 Bench Rest, and it has been that way ever since. In fact we now have started 100yds on Saturday and 200yds On Sunday. After the first year we might go 2 or 3 years without a Factory or Custom. So anyone got an idea? Just food for thought, you are either a shooter or not. OH! by the way ORSA is still going and we still have 25 to 30 shooters.
Thoughts on Benchrest competition

Good on you bill at least your club tried/
1 question how many started in the lower class and changed to the Benchrest class?.
If it's even one the idea was a success.

I have thought about having a Grand Agg over two days. On Saturday, you don't start shooting until noon, and Sunday Morning you start the 200 yard at 8:AM. That way, shooters can be out of there and headed home just past noon.

Jackie, that's the way Okie Shooters did when they were holding one day matches. They started at 12 and were usually through shooting about 5 or 6. Last year they held two - two day matches instead of four one day matches starting at 12 on Saturday and 8 am on Sunday. Participation wasn't particularly any better and they may have dropped in attendance. You just can't say for sure whether it was the format change that caused lower numbers or whether it was the oil field shutting down because of low oil prices. That has definitely had an effect in this area. The starting at 12 is a pretty good idea especially when mirage isn't much of a problem which it normally isn't a problem at Okie Shooters. It seems to have very little mirage there probably because they shoot north and may have more to do with how high off the ground you are shooting at 200. Nothing like what Midland or New Braunfels have. Starting at 12 there, lets me leave home early in the morning and get there in time to shoot a group or two before the match starts. Rex will close the range about an hour before the match starts to let people set their flags. It works pretty well.
Mediocracy widely accepted

Following is a post from a new shooter about his stock.

QUOTE "Uhhhhhhh hate hearing that BUT I'm still keeping my hopes up. This is my very first benchrest gun and just ah little anxious to get it. Being a total novice to this game i did learn one thing, some items like rests, stocks, etc you just pay your money and Stand In Line."

New shooters don't have a clue how things work in Benchrest. They expect someone to tell them the truth on delivery time and return a phone call or email. What the hell are they thinking????????How many get bit and are disappointed and go on to do something else where there is not always some shortage or misquoted delivery time or poor service? Not to imply all suppliers are that way.

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Jammer Six, you are a fairly new member of this site. I decided to re-read your posts in this thread to get a better feel of your "attitude". I noticed that. with the exception 2 or 3, your posts are terse with a rather abrasive edge to them. You also seem to mix in a fair amount of arrogance and condescension as well. I gather that you did not come to this site to "win friends and influence people".

Google produces this site when "benchrest" is googled.

This is one of the main things you guys could change.

If someone is here, it's either because they're benchrest shooters (that would be you guys) or they have at least one question about benchrest. That's why they googled the word "benchrest". If we came up to you at a match, I'm told you would all drop what you were doing and answer our questions. All our questions, no matter how inane.

There are four differences between questions here and questions at a match.

  1. You're not obligated to answer. Even the tiny obligation created by a face to face encounter is absent. If you don't answer, no one will ever know you were involved.
  2. You're not answering one person's questions. Your answer will be read, quite literally, around the world by any number of people. Now and stretching into the future. People who googled "benchrest".
  3. The person asking the question hasn't committed to attending a match, much less your sport. They're deciding whether or not to attend a match. Guess what they will base that decision on after you answer?
  4. Links work better here than in a face to face question. And they work much, much better than a "go look it up" answer, at least if you're trying to grow attendance. The people are here because they've already done research. You're either the answer to that research, or you're not. Your choice. If you don't want to bother, then see number one. Of course, if your goal is to drive people away, or to get rid of newbies, since one of the very best ways to judge the character of any group is how they treat newbies, then a "go look it up" answer will be one of the most effective tools you could choose.
Google produces this site when "benchrest" is googled.

This is one of the main things you guys could change.

If someone is here, it's either because they're benchrest shooters (that would be you guys) or they have at least one question about benchrest. That's why they googled the word "benchrest". If we came up to you at a match, I'm told you would all drop what you were doing and answer our questions. All our questions, no matter how inane.

There are four differences between questions here and questions at a match.

  1. You're not obligated to answer. Even the tiny obligation created by a face to face encounter is absent. If you don't answer, no one will ever know you were involved.
  2. You're not answering one person's questions. Your answer will be read, quite literally, around the world by any number of people. Now and stretching into the future. People who googled "benchrest".
  3. The person asking the question hasn't committed to attending a match, much less your sport. They're deciding whether or not to attend a match. Guess what they will base that decision on after you answer?
  4. Links work better here than in a face to face question. And they work much, much better than a "go look it up" answer, at least if you're trying to grow attendance. The people are here because they've already done research. You're either the answer to that research, or you're not. Your choice. If you don't want to bother, then see number one. Of course, if your goal is to drive people away, or to get rid of newbies, since one of the very best ways to judge the character of any group is how they treat newbies, then a "go look it up" answer will be one of the most effective tools you could choose.

Jammer - You make excellent points throughout your post. In fact, I believe you have defined the "problem". The fellow that hasn't attended a registered Benchrest match believes that the more information he has the better decision he can make. I will tell you that's not true concerning registered Benchrest shooting. I also know that you will not believe that's true. The bottom line lives here - along with several other lines that have crept in over the years. If you need to know which is which just ask and myself or someone else will tell you. That said, if you have no intention of achieving the accuracy involved in registered Benchrest shooting, please continue as you are. There's nothing at all wrong with that!!
And You done a great job with it as did the two gents that succeed you.. Mike Strark was running it before me and it was one of my starting points in the BR game. I was new to the game having shot only local matchs for a couple years.Like most new shooters the wind was giving me fits, I could shoot the postals late in the evening avoiding the wind, which built confidence and table manors... In my opinion a great place for a newcomer to start, But a ton of work to bring back.............
Like most new shooters the wind was giving me fits, I could shoot the postals late in the evening avoiding the wind, which built confidence and table manors

That's one of the main problems I see with postals; everyone doesn't have easy access to a range for late-in-the-evening shooting.