This could be a dumb question.

I was traveling and shooting a lot during the late 1990's and early 2000's and didn't ever hear 275 scoring mentioned back then. Only recently has it been discussed to my knowledge. But I could have just missed it.

Dave, I never heard it mentioned either. Of course you & I were busy shooting every weekend, what would we know !!
Dave Glen
275 scoring is a recent pipe dream. When you guys were shooting 50/50... ARA, RBA didn't exist. They now do. There are a bunch of RBA shooters that moved to ARA. A new scoring idea will not bring them back.
We now have 50/50 and ARA. Why pit them against each other. Shoot both if you like or either one. No need for Discrimination .
275 Scoring

I surly would think if IR50/50 even considering this then a lot of the shooters will leave.
Or any other Scoring.
Food for Thought!
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