makes dozens of good products but Devon is not one of theirs. Illinois Tools Works has over 650 corporations under their tent and according to their literature, West is not one of them. Just as you would not take your Benz to a Ford dealer to have the diesel smog device worked on or for advice on how to repair, asking Gougen Bros about the Devcon product would be the exact same parallelism. Our corp. is "in play" and I have executed non-disclosure docs so can not answer without violations---. Bisphenol-A based, with epichlydrochlorin I can tell you. >99% pure Isopropynanol (IPA) is the acknowledged reducer for this epoxy family. I am an expert in the dangers of VOC and formulation fumes in that I tried some new experimental epoxies ( contgained a form of cyinide ) for dielectric purposes in a closed environment in Florida and lost all faculties for several days. It took several years before I could finish a sentence---. Please learn from my near death and do not work in closed environments without outside, pressurized air or OSHA approved filters and mask. Lab Safety Equipment Co is good source.