The United States benchrest Hall of Fame totals have been updated.

Joe Krupa

Please see the link to Group Hall of Fame on I will check with the IBS website manager to see if it is there also. I am not sure if there is a link on Benchrest Central as there had been before the page format was updated.

For those who don't already know this, the U.S. Benchrest Hall of Fame incorporates wins at the Group Nationals of both the IBS and the NBRSA. It was started in 1972 by Rifle Magazine and is operated today by member Rex Reneau.

Sorry for the late post; sometimes work gets in the way of important stuff.

Joe Krupa
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I just read this post and then noticed that I can know longer find anything other then Classifieds, Forums or Calendar on Benchrest Central.
Used to be that when I clicked on the Benchrest Central link it would bring A home page that had the links to NBRAS IBS and a whole lots of other links .
Am I doing some thing wrong?
Thanks Chet
I have question ? Why is the Hall of Fame information posted on NBRSA website when it has absolutely nothing to do with the NBRSA. It was actually started by Wolf publishing years ago.
NBRSA has never had any say, any control or any involvement in it at all.

Yet, the largest Benchrest match held in the world every year is the Super Shoot and
for many years was registered match and nothing is allowed to be posted in our magazine or on our website about it. WHY?
Is this because of our directors or is it because of our management? Whatever it is,
it is wrong. People in high places should never allow personal feelings to get involved in decisions with regard to an organization. And, if we allow one posting, we should allow all Benchrest postings! That simple!
It's more about accomplishment than politics.

It is easy to see all sides of issues like this. And anyone who puts their thoughts out their need to understand that it is their opinion, simply that.

The U.S. Benchrest Hall of Fame was started by the shooting editors of Rifle Magazine in 1972. (Not sure if that was Wolf Publishing at that time, but may have been.) It was done so to recognize some sort of accomplishment in our sport. Until then it was mostly word of mouth. It started out recognizing just the NBRSA Nationals results, but added the IBS Nationals results shortly thereafter.

This is my OPINION on this: There is a connection between the NBRSA and the US Benchrest Hall of Fame inasmuch as the results of these Nationals are used to determine results. It is also has a connection to the IBS, inasmuch as the results of the IBS Nationals are also used to determine the standings. If the current leadership of these two organizations wish to promote or diminish this, that is what will happen. The fact remains that this organization is there simply to recognize some accomplishment; just as some of the other Hof F's which have been established to do so after 1972.

In this time when there are so many individuals and organizations outside of shooting are trying to diminish or completely remove the shooting sports, it is difficult for me to understand why some of our participants are trying to find ways to diminish something as positive to our sport as this. But, then again, that is simply my opinion.
I'll ask this question as I don't know what the opinions are....Does it matter where the HOF is posted as long as it's posted and maintained?
I am not knocking the Hall of Fame, it's great .
I'm saying why do we allow things for one group but not the other .
They are both benchrest related .

Wolf publication owned rifle magazine and reloader magazine .
My only problem with the Benchrest Hall of Fame is I will never earn enough points to get in:D

Thanks for efforts in updating the site, Joe.
The main problem we have is that there are two organizations doing essentially the same thing over issues, that a diminishing benchrest community, does not even remember!
They should get their butts together and cut this crap out!
The HOF and the Super Shoot are neutral and the only magazine in the BR community that reports results should be too. I think it's about time the "powers that be" have a summit. It feels like Congress and in this election cycle that's not good!
The good news is that I'm out of the country for two weeks so I won't see the results of this post.
Have fun.
I agree with Larry. Benchrest seems to be shrinking in shooters and this could be part of the problem. To not report on the Super Shoot, the biggest match in the world, is ridiculous. The Hall of Fame is a neutral honor and should be supported and reported by all that care. This sport needs more assistance and less resistance. Remember one day the world will perish of one of two things, greed or chicken s_ _t.
Iffen you go back to the many tries to consolidate the IBS and the NBRSA you will find it is like FRANCIS says in #7 above "peoples is people's". As to the Super Shoot tie in, George Sr has had both registrations, the last one being the NBRSA. Like George said, the registration for a shoot that big is a pain...kinda like IRS income tax...all going out.

As to local shoots, the saying here "all politics are local" and to the small clubs who work for weeks getting everything ready "all shoots are local"!!!

The solution, just keep turning that tuner and watch the flags.

Thanks to the guys who keep the HOF stats updated.

Guys I am not knocking the Hall of Fame it is a great thing . It Should be printed in the magazine .
But look at our magazine has articles . we should be publishing the results from the super shoot as an article it's the most important thing there is to new shooters And the other shooters to see who's using what and who's winning .
I believe the IBS nationals should be published in it the magazine the equipment list and the results .
It is not an advertisement it is something to help develop our sport . Forget the politics , what do you read when you look at our magazine you look at the equipment list and who's winning using what .
Leave the damn Hall of Fame alone that is not the gripe here .
The main problem we have is that there are two organizations doing essentially the same thing over issues, that a diminishing benchrest community, does not even remember!
They should get their butts together and cut this crap out!
The HOF and the Super Shoot are neutral and the only magazine in the BR community that reports results should be too. I think it's about time the "powers that be" have a summit. It feels like Congress and in this election cycle that's not good!
The good news is that I'm out of the country for two weeks so I won't see the results of this post.
Have fun.

It seems like when I first started doing this back in the mid '90's, we were having the same arguments about the NBRSA/IBS, the "Magazine", and the what, who, and how of the HOF.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Realistically speaking, most shooters could care less because they know that none of this has anything to do with what happens the next time you sit down and the Bench and hear the command......"Ready on the right, ready on the left..........."
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