...it seems to me that not too long ago in the history of this nation, some very vocal minorities had been sucessful in winning their cause and making their point very clear. Essentially their point was "Don't mess with us!" It has worked very well for them so that we would even appease some folks by declaring a National Holiday in the name of their leader. The number of gunowners in this nation is larger then that of any minority group, but yet we continue to be lead down this path.
Thanks for that. History can be an excellent teacher.
In the mid 1960s, real progress was made against racist oppression by corrupt governments and law enforcement agencies in California due to the actions of the Black Panthers. They knew what the 2nd Amendment was for. They started open-carrying rifles at protests, while shadowing the police, while telling arrestees not to talk to anyone until they got a lawyer, etc.
The power-structure did NOT appreciate being forced to obey the law, so they made a new law. Governor Ronald Reagan responded by signing the Mulford Act that made it essentially impossible for anyone except the rich, powerful, well-connected and their minions to carry firearms. At the time he said "No one needs to carry a firearm in public." That was 1967.
Arguably, that major state cracking down on gun owners provided major momentum to the national gun control debate...on the wrong side. We wound up with the Gun Control Act of 1968.
All freedoms are interconnected. The ACLU has never stood up for the 2nd. The NRA certainly doesn't even give a nod to the 1st. That's just wrong. Fail to fight for them all and they'll simply be taken away singly. If one of your personally-admired heroic freedom fighters is Harlon Carter, then you should feel just as strongly and positively about Larry Flynt.
Yet we don't. Most of the Bill of Rights has already been damaged beyond repair and the only one left that has actually gotten stronger in recent years is the 2nd.
So now "they" are trying to split up the defenders of the 2nd into "legitimate hunters and target shooters" vs "Rambo wannabes with military-style weapons." 100+ years ago, the wide civilian adoption of bolt-action rifles brought wailing from some yellow journalists asking why civilians needed to own "weapons of war." The good guys won that battle mainly just because most legislators at the time knew enough about the technicalities of the issue, including the long availability of lever-action rifles with even greater firepower. Most legislators are more ignorant these days.
This time, unfortunately, it seems that far too many bolt and pump hunters and target shooters are willing to throw their embarrassing distant cousins, the bang-bang-bang-black-gun crowd, under the bus.
Next time you're at the range and you hear some old geezer (not a pejorative in this usage, since I've attained old geezer status) say "they just want those stupid plastic guns", try to talk some sense into 'em, OK? The gun-banners want all guns. It's just that the "sniper rifles" that hunters and target shooters use are a bit further down the list and they haven't gotten to them, yet.
We don't need an AR alternative; we need to keep our ARs. Even if very few who read this site personally care about ARs very much, we all need to fight for them. We stand together or we fall separately and, separately, we will eventually *ALL* fall.