Thanks to the Kelblys!!

Butch Lambert

Active member
You talk about a professionally run shoot. 6 relays daily shooting 6 targets each on 60 benches. 1 warmup and 5 for record. We started at 8am and were finished by 3:30pm. Targets were scored and on the wall before you went up for the next group, wonderful food and PIES!!! from the Ladies in the kitchen. Young Ian Kelbly ran the shoot as rangemaster and did an outstanding job. Jim and Cherly should be very proud of him. George Jr. scored over 1800 targets a day.
It was very nice to be able to put faces to voices and emails. We had 6 days of beautiful Ohio weather while I was there.
Again, thanks to all that made this great shoot possible.
I was not able to attend this year but have to agree that the Super Shoot has to be one of the most well run match from top to bottom. It is no wonder it attracts so many shooters every year. Maybe next year I will be able to attend.
Congratulations to all who shot well and to Tony Boyer especially. Glad to see Lee did very well.
This was my first Super Shoot.
Good Shooting Lee Hachigan.
And Tony.
The pies were great. I tried them all. Except the rhubarb stuff.
And the lunch menu is very good. Need some more horseradish, though.
Lot of Hungs and Pollacks around this area. Heard they ran out of cole slaw on Sat. WOW. That is the most different and best cole slaw ever.
I had heard. That the Super Shoot can be a muddy mess. So I brought my mud boots and rain coat. Still trying to break in the mud boots.........
Everyone at Kelbly's did a great job. And made us all feel welcome.
Count me in 100% on thanks to the Kelblys. From passing the Range Officer job to the next generation, Ian Kelbly, and all. Everything from the FM radio station that broadcasts the range commands for those not close by a speaker, to Carl, Tom and Greg in the repair shop, to Mike and Kim and the excellent target crew, to the kitchen girls, to Misty the breakfast greeter. Thank you all!!!

Hopefully anybody can put the FULL list of all the competitors of the FISS on one of these websites?

Hope to see something,

That is what the SS is all about. Seeing people that you only see there. I loaded with the Russians and also with Gary Grove and Steve Turner. A great group. We had a great meal at Joe's Riverside Grill with the 2 Rock Creek barrel guys, the Shilen barrel group, and Eric Stecker from Berger Bullets. Good food, good natured kidding, and a few practical jokes. Bob Hammack shot on the bench next to me and is a hell of a shooter. Bob is a nice quiet guy that just shoots lights out. He didn't even get upset when I tried to help him and shot on his record target. Thanks to Jerry Meissner for saving me a table in the barn. Joel Kendrick and Jeff Summers gave me what I thought was a glass of cool water and it burned all the way down. I got pretty smart and loveable after that.
I'm still resting up after Bill Hull, Jay Lynn Gore, and myself drove the 1100 miles back straight through after the last match.
Butch had a great time at supper with you, Jay Lynn, and Eric from Berger and also the guys from Shilen, laughed the whole time we ate supper. The match was run unbelievably well and the homemade pie was great.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels
My wife and I enjoyed yet another great Super Shoot. The Kelblys put on the best shoot in the country. Ian did a great job. Keeping benchrest shooters in line is kind of like hearding cats...he did a great job!

Don't forget to thank the Weather Gods. :)

We had absolutely perfect weather every day...very rare for the Super Shoot.

It was good to see you all!

Greg Walley
Kelbly's Inc.