Thank You Everyone!

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I would like to take this oportunity to thank everyone who made the 2011 IBS 100-200 Score Nationals a success. In my remarks just prior to the awards cerimony I failed to thank a number of key people who, without their contribution, we would have struggled.

Two of them I omitted are Stephonie Buzzell, our scorer and Carol Grosbier, our statistician. There was one unsuccessfully Protested Shot for both days and the Stat Sheets were flawless all weekend. Thanks You so much ladies.

The Capital City Club has a very active youth program. Several of those young people, just back from Camp Perry, assisted Ms Joanna and Wyatt Fox as part of our target crew. They all did a fabulous job.

I also want to thank all the Shooters who came and competed with us. It is a big committment to attend an event, such as this. In these times to have 62 Shooters show up at the end of the "Sunshine Pipeline" to spend a weekend with us is simply fabulous.

Thank You all and we look forward to seeing you again next time.

Pete Wass
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Many thanks to you, your club and many others on scene to host a successful Score Nationals. The reports I have heard have been all EXCELLENT. Great job!

Congrats Pete, Ya'll done good from all reports it was a well run match with a great turnout. Thanks to all the people that make matches possible. Steve
As this was my first National event, I may be a bit partial. But this weekend, with exception to " it wasnt typical Augusta this weekend ", couldnt have gone better. I would personaly like to thank all those mentioned and our fellow shooters for their participation also. It was nice to put faces with the names of some shooters. It still amazes me the truely great people we share our hobby with.

Thank you Peter W. and Mike V. for a great weekend. The place is going to be ready to go for some time now with your hard work. See you at the States in a few weeks.

Andy B.

Thanks for your work in making the 2011 IBS Score Nationals a success-it was a well organized and well run event.


Thanks for your work in making the 2011 IBS Score Nationals a success-it was a well organized and well run event.


It was my pleasure to serve Jim. Much of the trepidation of it all faded away after the first Warmup Match was complete, I must say. It was a good feeling to see it all come together and to have it work well. Excelent people, working on a project they care about doing well and making the right decisions on equipment helped a lot. The golf Cart, for instance and the tent and it's location. Much of it was just luck I guess but it all worked pretty well. I'm certainly proud of my team. They all were awsome.

Someone I didn't thank publically and will now is Dick Grosbier. Dick got me started with a sample Spreadsheet which enabled me to organize the match. I can't imagine doing it with paper and pen. Thank You Dick, for that an the many other ways you helped, the suggestions and for keeping me on track.
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Pete, Like Andy this was my first go around at this level and you, Mike, Stephanie and everyone else did a suburb, professional job. I was very impressed and really enjoyed participating. My hat is off to all those working and attending.
Job well done!!
Scot and Christopher.
Ditto in all of the thank you's Pete. It was a very well run event, i had never been to a shoot of this size and it was amazing to see it run so smooth. I was accualy begining to have doubts about my future in this sport but I have a renewed out look after beeing able to shoot beside so many good shooters and hold my own for the most part. Also it was nice having so many skilled shooters so willing to offer advice on things i have been struggling with, and seeing the resulting improvement on the next target each time.

So much thanks to you and all those who helped.
