Texas State Tournament 3-27-2011


chris peet

Well the Gods have spoken....Moses have parted the water...Jason Thornhill....wins the Texas...Arkansas....and Lousiana state indoor champion.....tripple header...

Is he the next D.J. hepler in the making....will he win all the outdooor title this year....A.R.A....R.B.A....I.R. 50/50.... Beware of those boy from Lousiana....

great shoooting Jason... and.. Good luck...:cool:


  • shop shoot #2 Texas state tournament 3-27-2011.xlsx
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My computer will not open the format this report is in. Can you post it in another format please? Thank You, Pete
Just a few random thoughts about the above results.
1. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place shooters fired their WORST target on Tgt1. Then they fired their BEST target on Tgt2.
2. Only one shooter, (9) fired his BEST target on Tgt1.
3. Three shooters (6, 7, and 9) fired their WORST target on Tgt2.
4. NO shooter fired his BEST or WORST target on Tgt3.
5. Seven shooters (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10) fired their BEST and WORST targets back-to-back. Four of those shooters fired their WORST target first. Three of them fired their BEST target first.

Such results do not appear to be random. If you make a paper copy of the results and mark each shooter's BEST target with a green highlighter and each shooter's WORST target in red, the lack of randomness is really apparent.
Since I wasn't there, I don't know how to account for the lack of randomness. Perhaps it was conditions within the range as shooters rotated among benches. Or perhaps it was ????????????

Do any of you who shot there have any ideas/explanations?

Hawkeye Wizard
I don't know about or even if I agree with the lack of randomness in the scores. However, if you compare these scores to the scores shot on Saturday (see previous thread on Shop Shoot) everybody's scores, with the exception of Jason's, are lower. I would have to attribute that to some sort of change in range conditions. I had a great time shooting with these guys on Friday and Saturday but may have made the right call not dealing with the apparent frustrations of Sunday.

All in all, good people, a well run shoot, and good times.

Mike Wickizer
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My scores certainly do not qualify me as an expert on indoor shooting. This is only the second year I've shot indoors and again I have to ask myself why I put up with the frustration of bullets going places they shouldn't be going for no explanable reasons. I find outdoor ranges much more predictable. One of the things that myself and others have noted is that when shooting alone, the scores are much higher but when 10 or 11 other guys start popping off rounds, things get much tougher. Possibly shock waves from other rounds dissipating through the range? Who knows. We also had a cold front come through on Saturday night and the temperatures were 20 degrees cooler on Sunday than they were on Saturday. Obviously Jason Thornhill, Danny Keeney and a few others have things figured out.