Tactical style LR hunting rifle caliber

Yes this could be fun if we were sitting side by side on a 1000 yard line! Well Dansig your rifle looks to be in the 17 lb. area, I have one or two of those also. So if your ever in the Williamsport area stop in and don't forget to bring that 2" rifle. I have a camper sitting right there at the range, so it won't cost you for a motel room and we can make a weekend of it, and I'll buy dinner if you beat me! How dose that sound.

Joe Salt
I don't believe a 308 Win ever won a match at 1000 yd B/R at Williamsport. I've seen some there competing but never winning a match.
one day I will go to Williamsport to shoot but it's a 10.000 mile trip so it might be a couple of years until I get there, I live in Iceland and a trip to Williamsport will cost me around 5k
Iceland my GOD dansig that would be a great place for me to go if New York says I can no longer own a gun. You should have tried to get a ticket when the airlines had the computer glitch.

Joe Salt