Tack Driver III


New member
I am at 99 shooters as we speak for the field of 100 at the event on 11-5th and 6th-2022. I am going to open it up to allow 21 more shooters on a first come first serve basis. 120 will be the absolute maximum to get this event completed in the 2 day timeframe. If you are interested in attending and want to compete against the best of the best, Orangeburg, SC on 11-5 &6 is where you need to be. Hope to see everyone there.View attachment Tack Driver pre-registration.pdf
Tack Driver III a huge success

I have to say that this match means more to me than any of you will ever know. It was an idea of Jeff Stover and Harley Baker to have a competition and try to figure out what cartridge was “the most accurate” in a showdown. I sat around 2-3 years listening about it in the Executive board meetings and decided I would take the challenge. Jeff brought it up the following year in the meeting and I happily told him I had it under control and would be the test dummy. Jim Bauer immediately offered $1,000 sponsorship to get this event off the ground and the planning began. I wanted it to be a challenge to EVERYONE that attended and that is why it is an alternation between a group and score target. I didn’t want anyone getting comfortable shooting what they always shoot. The 200 yard target at 300 meters is very challenging as well as Orangeburg, SC! I can say the gathering of the best of the best at one location anywhere in the world is no where near the talent at this event. We have many score hall of fame shooters, group hall of fame shooters, shooters of the year in score , group, long range and ground hog matches. I would like to personally thank everyone that has ever attended this event and ALL the numerous sponsors. The overwhelming support is humbling to me from all aspects of shooting. I would like to thank my wife and son for coming to help and make this event go as smooth as it has. Ken Kaufman is the best range safety officer and I know with confidence, when I hand it over to him he has it under control. THANK YOU AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO MAKES THIS MATCH WHAT IT IS AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU AT TACK DRIVER IV! If anyone that has attended can give me any ideas on how to make it better next year or something you think needs to be changed, you should all have my number. Imitation is the best flattery, OFTEN IMITATED, BUT NEVER DUPLICATED! Thanks JC
Jim Cline

I want to personally thank Jim for all the hard work that goes into making this the best match of the year! The people are fist class, the range is one of the best I have been to, and the food is outstanding. One practice day and the challenging conditions makes it even more fun! Thanks to everyone that makes this event run as smooth as silk and a special thanks to Jim and his family for taking the time to make it happen. If you have never attended this match, make plans to do so in the future. And if you get there and you need a teammate for the four man team competition, hit me up, I may be available since MY teammates kicked me to the curb! Ask them how that worked out for them! They know who they are!!!!
Roy, thank you for trying to help; however, I can't open the attachment at post # 56 at that link because I'm not a member over there. How can non-members (surely, there must be more than just me) see who all was there, and the results?
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Roy, thank you for trying to help; however, I can't open the attachment at post # 56 at that link because I'm not a member over there. How can non-members (surely, there must be more than just me) see who all was there, and the results?

I tried to make the pictures small enough to load on this website and have had no success. I will try again in when I get caught up at work and have an extra minute.
Roy, thank you for trying to help; however, I can't open the attachment at post # 56 at that link because I'm not a member over there. How can non-members (surely, there must be more than just me) see who all was there, and the results?

It's free to join.
this site no longer takes pics.....

How 'bout this ↓ ↓ ↓


BTW, see posts 5-6 at http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?105081-Hey-Elmer&p=853475&highlight=#post853475.
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1st Number after the name is Group finish second is Score and 3rd is AGG.
Bart Sauter 6 1 1
Wayne Campbell 1 8 2
Jeff Peinhardt 5 5 3
Jeff Thompson 2 11 4
Jeremiah Keefe 8 7 5
Derick Loflin 12 4 6
Andy Shifflett 4 14 7
Wes Johnson 16 2 8
Chris Gibby 9 10 9
Terry Leach 3 17 10
Jeff Godfrey 7 16 11
Damon Loflin 17 15 12
Buddy Ross 10 25 13
Dean Breeden 34 3 14
Todd Payseur 24 23 15
Mike Redin 21 27 16
Lary Archer 18 31 17
Miles Gibby 20 29 18
Billy Stevens 32 18 19
Tom Hutchenson 14 39 20
Hugh Williamson 43 12 21
Joe Duke 28 28 22
David Tooley 35 22 23
Matt Harris 13 44 24
Jackie Schmidt 51 6 25
Jeff Summers 11 47 26
Jim Chaney 22 36 27
Delle Smith 50 9 28
Dana English 36 26 29
Henry Neale 27 35 30
Ron Prevatte 31 33 31
Marsha Burgess 19 48 32
Jeff Buchanan 46 21 33
Roy Hunter 25 43 34
Will Till 37 34 35
Reggie Wright 58 13 36
Jerry Powers 30 42 37
Johnny Mayo 23 51 38
Brian Fitch 29 45 39
Mike Morgan 60 19 40
Michael Clayton 39 41 41
Jack Neary 42 40 42
Craig Burgess 33 52 43
Bill Jolley 38 49 44
Thomas Barwick 15 76 45
Kevin Huff 41 50 46
Lisa Moore 68 24 47
Dewey Hancock 55 37 48
Robert Seeman 54 38 49
John Bosley 73 20 50
Donna Matthews 26 73 51
Harvey McCraw 47 54 52
Scott Cochran 48 57 53
David Roberson 74 32 54
David Stallings 44 62 55
Shannon Robinson 79 30 56
Gage Logsdon 57 55 57
Bondy Long 45 67 58
Joel Danzig 63 53 59
Chad Danscheski 53 66 60
Anthony Isner 56 63 61
Justin Morrow 59 61 62
Mike Greenway 62 58 63
Wayne France 40 81 64
Robert Morgan 76 46 65
Pat Reagin 52 70 66
Lin Smith 49 74 67
Bill Shaver 67 56 68
Mark Burns 66 59 69
David Moore 64 64 70
Steve Pletcher 61 68 71
Mike Fuller 69 69 72
Rick Fox 65 75 73
Mark Gray 75 65 74
Gelnn Hardee 81 60 75
Stevie Salter 70 71 76
David Matthews 71 72 77
David Wilson 72 80 78
Craig Anderson 78 77 79
Lowell Yawn 77 78 80
John Ridgeway 82 79 81
Trampas Kluender 80 83 82
Berry Kennedy 84 82 83
Keith Brock 83 84 84
James Nierodizk 85 86 85
Jeff Minder 88 85 86
Stuart Johnson 86 88 87
Treece Barringer 87 87 88
Amanda Honeycutt 89 89 89
Tack Driver IV

If you attended Tack Driver III, check your email. I have opened registration for the ones that attended this year and will open it up for everyone else in a few weeks. Stay tuned on here for the registration forms as I will most likely only take the first 100 guns.
1st Number after the name is Group finish second is Score and 3rd is AGG.

Andy Shifflett 4 14 7
Wes Johnson 16 2 8

Lary Archer 18 31 17
Miles Gibby 20 29 18

David Tooley 35 22 23
Matt Harris 13 44 24
Jackie Schmidt 51 6 25

Jim, referring to the above, how do you brake a tie when multiple shooters have the same AGG?
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