Sure name in the forum?

Dear Wilbur and Moderators,

I have a little question/concern here... why don't you make a policy to require all members to use their sure/true name? or even with their photo?

You know what I mean... many of us in this forum prefer to talk with, say Stuart Elliot, rather than "stuart007" --- just for instance.

Some people might think that it is "cool" (or so?) to use a false / secret name, but it is not imo.

Best Regards,
Sebastian Lambang.

Edit: I have changed my avatar.

In your example Stuart's surname also commonly known as his last name is Elliot. So what problem would posting as Elliot fix?
Hey Mick
You need to be signed in.
Reach up to the right corner and tap “ Settings”.
Now go over to the left side of the screen to the box “ My Settings”
Move down past “ My Profile” and tap “Edit Profile”.
Now in the box labeled “Optional Information - All information will be viewable by other forum members.”
Here you will find a long box into which you can type what ever you wish, your name perhaps.
Now go to the bottom, right, of the page and tap “ Save Changes”.
What ever you typed into the box above will show up under your Screen Name when you post.

Hope this helps

Members can't change their screen names. Perhaps Wilbur can, but members can't.
In your example Stuart's surname also commonly known as his last name is Elliot. So what problem would posting as Elliot fix?

Stuart Elliott is a 25yr friend from the land of OZ. Probably the #1 shooter in that country. Him and his wife Annie are Hall of Fame shooters. They shoot about every discipline from RF to long range. They also started and run BRT Shooters Supply and travel the World giving shooting lessons.
Hope that clears up who Stuart happens to be.
What does our countries constitution actually have to say about it folks. I am sick and tired of it constantly being ignored and not being up held.
internet bum
"Members can't change their screen names. Perhaps Wilbur can, but members can't. “

Antelope, you are correct, the “User / Screen Name” and “Password” are combined at the web site server.
If the “User / Screen Name” and “Password” are correct we gain access to the web site.
If a mistake is made in either of the two entries we do not get access to our favorite web site.
There is a method to change the “Password”, which I will not get into here.
The only way we can change our “User / Screen Name” is to log on as a new user with a new “User / Screen Name” and “Password”.
