Superior Action Rifle, Dryden NY

I am well Justin. Older, slower, calmer, more worn out. Newly "moved" to PA, and living back in CNY in winters...which if anyone knows anything about that confirms I am certified loony.

And yes, keeping my ear to the ground for another Superior. It appears #31 will stay in the family of the person now caretaking it, despite my efforts otherwise. :(

#7 is a hoot. It serves to tell me every time I shoot it what a lousy shooter I am. Nice problem to have.

be well, stay safe and when you get yours done, PHOTOS please.


I have number 25. It's in a rifle my Grandfather built. I found this thread on google, and signed up just to reply. On the action it says "Superior" Then "Dryden, NY" below that, and "25" below that, with "25" on the bolt as well. It's currently in Augusta, Georgia.
I have number 25. It's in a rifle my Grandfather built. I found this thread on google, and signed up just to reply. On the action it says "Superior" Then "Dryden, NY" below that, and "25" below that, with "25" on the bolt as well. It's currently in Augusta, Georgia.


I'm curious...who was your grandfather? It sounds like he might have been an old benchrest gunsmith and shooter.

And if you have pictures of the rifle, we'd like to see them.

Hi Kayak,
I dropped you a PM. Sorry I do not get here very often. If you reply to my PM i can give you an email address that reaches me faster.

Your rifle was built in the early 1960's by Ross Sherman, Dryden NY. It was originally either a 222, 222 Mag or a 6-47Rem. They were often rebarreled over time, as all BR guns were. It would have been originally in a wood stock. If it is a yellow or cherry wood stock, it is likely original to Ross. Many folks put them in glass over the years.

Do you know who barreled it? If it doesn't say on the side of the barrel, it may under the forearm. How does she shoot?

Send me a photo, I try to keep up on these. Located one in Co recently, in 6x50RWS of all things.

Hi Kayak,
I dropped you a PM. Sorry I do not get here very often. If you reply to my PM i can give you an email address that reaches me faster.

Your rifle was built in the early 1960's by Ross Sherman, Dryden NY. It was originally either a 222, 222 Mag or a 6-47Rem. They were often rebarreled over time, as all BR guns were. It would have been originally in a wood stock. If it is a yellow or cherry wood stock, it is likely original to Ross. Many folks put them in glass over the years.

Do you know who barreled it? If it doesn't say on the side of the barrel, it may under the forearm. How does she shoot?

Send me a photo, I try to keep up on these. Located one in Co recently, in 6x50RWS of all things.


The 5.6X50 RWS is a great cartridge.
The 5.6X50 RWS is a great cartridge.

The guy who has it wanted to sell it to me. Before he told me exactly what he had he asked general questions about value and i told him what an original in good shape would go for (to me) or one with good provinence. However his is not any of the above and he wanted too much. Didn't want to insult him. He got it for a song though.

Maybe someday I will make him an offer. i just really have no use for a 6-50RWS...

I want a small bolt face clean...I have one with a PPC bolt face, likely the only one.
Looks like he may not come back....

I'm still cataloging them, and have located about 14 now, of the 30. And I am in the market for a small bolt face rifle or action, reasonable.
C'mon Snert.

I'm a tech boob. i have several photos of Old Yeller 3rd. and I have the PS articles on my bookshelf. If someone wants to tell me how, I will try to find time soon to put them up. The photos are in the cloud as they say, whatever the 'eck that means.
Photos on the way...

I guess the photos never made it. I now have #7 AND #5. And I am working on another.

I did catch a mistake in a post I made to Kayak. He said his was 243. I said it was likely once a 222 or similar. Im a dummy. Clearly he has a large BF rifle. Of course it is a 308 variation.

I hope to get all three photoe'd and then in Spring do a write up for Accurate shooter. I will post similar photos here when I get that in AS.

If I am able to get the third one (an original in 6x47) I will have PPC, 6x47 and I think the 6x50 will be a 20/222. Gotta be different, ya know?

I am still documenting, so if anyone knows anybody...or has one of these, let me know.
I guess the photos never made it. I now have #7 AND #5. And I am working on another.

I did catch a mistake in a post I made to Kayak. He said his was 243. I said it was likely once a 222 or similar. Im a dummy. Clearly he has a large BF rifle. Of course it is a 308 variation.

I hope to get all three photoe'd and then in Spring do a write up for Accurate shooter. I will post similar photos here when I get that in AS.

If I am able to get the third one (an original in 6x47) I will have PPC, 6x47 and I think the 6x50 will be a 20/222. Gotta be different, ya know?

I am still documenting, so if anyone knows anybody...or has one of these, let me know.


Mea culpa...

Looking on the post dates from our last exchange, I was moving into a new house at the time, and completely brain farted on the picture posting.

Send those pics again if you got em'.


Posting these for Snert...he'll supply the narrative.



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Yellow Rifle is likely a 1961, Superior. It is Old Yellar 3rd, Fred's third yellow rifle and the dog was painted by Becky. It was Fred Sinclair's personal rifle and he built it as it appears (yes, a basically brand new Hart with Sinclair stamped on it) in about 1980. It is a 22PPC as it sits. It is probably the only one ever converted to PPC bolt face.

The red one is two lower in the serial number. It is set up as a HV, with removable weight in the stock, circa 1980, but the barrel is unk manufacture, likely a set back because it is barely 19 inches, in 6x50. I am still researching this one. It is a glue in.
Well I confirmed that the #5 was once Becky Sinclair's rifle. When I bought it I did not know that. It wasn't until I racked #7 and #5 side by side that I are sisters. I looked back at an email from Fred confirming #7 was his, and in it he mentioned he had two others...and #5 was one.

All that being said, I got it to shoot thanks to help from Dave Tooley. It is a fun rifle and I have connected with the smith who did the barrel at Bibs Machine in Greeley CO. He will be doing a 20 cailber barrel for me so I can shoot PD with it. He said it was once John Ambler's rifle, and had several owners in the Greely/CO area before it made its way back here to the east coast. Grateful to the last owner, and still feel like I owe him a few more bucks, after seeing it in person. But he declined. Heck of a guy, really.

So, if anyone else has one of these floating around, i am still researching, documenting and building a library on Ross Sherman. Please feel free to reach out here of on Accurate Shooter, to "snert". My email is also in this thread somewhere...

If you just came upon this thread and have or know of a Superior, please read past entries and get a line out to me,
