Super Shoot



On the eve before the Super Shoot I would like to wish all the competitors good luck and to have a good time. I couldn't make it this year, but I sure am missing it already.
I'll 2nd that

I'll 2nd that.
If I didn't have to come 8000 miles to get there at a time of university exams, then I would be there. Something for next year's list of things to do perhaps.....

Good luck to all of you who are going, especially our own Graeme Smith. Hope that barrel device works for you mate!
This is my 3rd year straight missing it

Ran outta cash two weeks ago and once again I am grieved.
I am here along with 330 other shooters and I am getting ready to start. If I could only attend 1 shoot a year, it would be this one. There are about 47 shooters from across the pond representing about 10 countries, not counting Canada which has about 10 shooting. Should prove interesting.